Obama Administration Achieves Media Blackout on SBA Closure Plan

Press Release

Obama Administration Achieves Media Blackout on SBA Closure Plan

ASBL Opposes SBA Closure Plan

By Lloyd Chapman
American Small Business League
May 5, 2015

PETALUMA, Calif., May 5, 2015/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- To date it has gone unreported in themainstream media that President Obama's 2016 Budget proposal to combine the SmallBusiness Administration (SBA) and the Department of Commerce is a mirror imageof Ronald Reagan's plan to permanently close theSBA and bring an end to all federal programs to assist the nation's 28 millionsmall businesses.

When Ronald Reagan tried to close the SBA it created anuproar that was reported on national television.

American Small Business League President LloydChapman first predicted President Obama would attempt topermanently close the SBA using Reagan's plan in November of2008.

Chapman also believes former Defense Intelligent Agency PublicRelations Officer, Terry Sutherland, was "assigned" to quietly take over the SBA Press Officewith the express purpose of blocking any media coverage of the plan to shutterthe SBA.

President Obama's first attempt to close the SBA came in January of 2012 when he announced plans to combine the SBA with the Department of Commerce. Chapmanlaunched a national media campaign to bring attention to the issue and releaseda barrage of blogs and press releaseson the issue.

Chapman appeared on Fox Newsand international news network RTTV tosound the alarm on President Obama's intention to close the SBA. Several journalists agreed with Chapman that the plan to combine the SBA and Commerce Department was actualitya plan to close the SBA.

A 2014 article in Forbes stated, "I agree with Lloyd Chapman, head of the American SmallBusiness League, when he warns that this is just another attempt to shutter oneof the only government agencies in place to help the nation's nearly 30 millionsmall businesses."

President Obama claims closing the SBA will "streamline the government."  Chapman has pointed out the SBA's budget is just .0001% of the totalfederal budget and closing the SBA would have a statistically undetectableimpact of the overall cost of government.

It has been widely reported trillions of dollars are unaccountedfor at the Pentagon. Chapman believes addressing those significantfinancial abuses would be a much more effective means to streamline governmentspending than closing the tiny SBA.

Chapman contends President Obama's true motivation to shutter the SBA is to cover up the rampant fraud and abuse that has beenuncovered at the SBA in a series of federal investigations. NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, CNBC, Fox News,and RTTVhave all reported on the fraud and abuse at the SBA.

Every year of the Obama Administration the SBA Inspector Generalhas named the diversion of federal small business contracts to large businessesas theagency's number one problem.

The House Small Business Committee has requested an investigation into fraud in federal smallbusiness contracting programs based onresearch done by Chapman's ASBL.

Chapman has begun filming a documentaryon his efforts to save the SBA and its programs.

To view full press release, click here: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/obama-administration-achieves-media-blackout-on-sba-closure-plan-300077296.html?tc=eml_cleartime




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