Presidential Candidates Asked to End Corruption and Fraud at SBA

Press Release

Presidential Candidates Asked to End Corruption and Fraud at SBA

ASBL Asks Presidential Candidates to Keep Obama Campaign Promise

May 3, 2016

Petaluma, Calif. -The American Small Business League (ASBL)has sent letters to DonaldTrump, Senator Cruz,Governor Kasich, Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders in theform of national press releases asking them to pledge to keep a campaignpromise President Obama made in 2008.


Responding to dozens of federal investigationsand investigativereports in the media that found the Small Business Administration (SBA) wascheating small business out of billions in federal contracts and subcontractsPresident Obama released the statement, "It is time to end thediversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants."


Since President Obama took officethe diversionof billions a month in federal small business contracts to Fortune 500firms and corporate giants has continued. Every year of the ObamaAdministration the SBA Office of Inspector General headed by Obama appointeePeg Gustafson has named the diversion offederal small business contracts to large businesses as the number one problemwith the upper management at the SBA.


 The Government Accountability Officeuncovered over 5,000large businesses receiving billions in federal small business contracts intheir investigationbased on information provided by ASBL President Lloyd Chapman.


Hundreds of articles on the issue canbe found on a wide variety of websites. The AssociatedPress and dozens of publications such as the LosAngeles Times, Miami Herald,WashingtonPost, GovernmentExecutive, and FederalTimes have all reported on the abuses at the SBA.


Most of the major nationaltelevision news channels such as NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, FoxNews and RRTV haveproduced stories on the issue.


In May of 2015, government watchdoggroup, Public Citizen, released a damming investigative report on the fraudtitled "Sleighted." Public Citizen found the SBA had used "accounting tricks [to] create[a] false impression that small businesses are getting their share ofprocurement money…"


In the ASBL's most recent legal victory overthe Pentagon to expose evidence of corruption and fraud in Pentagon smallbusiness programs, Federal Judge William Alsup stated "the purpose of the Freedomof Information Act is so the public can see how our government works. Congresspassed this law to make small businesses have access to some of these projects,andhere is the United States covering it up."


Research by the ASBL indicates overthe last ten years the nation's 28 million small businesses may have beendefrauded out of up to $2 trillion in federal contracts and subcontracts.


In 2014, American Express OpenForum named Lloyd Chapman oneof the four strongest voices for small businesses in America for hiscampaign to end fraud in federal small business programs. The ASBL plans torelease a documentaryof the history of fraud at the SBA this summer.


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