Small Business Advocates Rally To Save Small Business Administration

Press Release

Small Business Advocates Rally To Save Small Business Administration

ASBL Opposes Elimination Of All Federal Small Business Programs

American Small Business League
January 19, 2017

PETALUMA, Calif.,Jan. 19, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- On January 18th 2017, Lloyd Chapman, the President and founder ofthe American Small Business League (ASBL) issued a statement regardingtheir campaign to rally women, minority and Veteran groups to prevent theclosure of the Small Business Administration (SBA).

"I predict that within the next 90 days there will belegislation put forth in Congress to close the SBA by combining the SBA withthe Department of Commerce and end all Federal programs for small businesses,including small businesses owned by women, minority and service-disabledveterans," said Mr. Chapman.

"WhenRonald Reagan made it clear that he wanted topermanently close the SBA and end all Federal small business programs, his planto do that was by combining it with the Department of Commerce.  In 2011this tactic was proposed again by Senator Richard Burr in with fox news reporting thatBurrs proposed legislation would eliminate all federal programs to assist smallbusinesses."

During his campaign, President-Elect Donald Trump promised to create 25 million new jobs over the nextdecade; however the ASBL argues that with Trump's appointment of Linda McMahon to head the SBA, despite hersupport of closing the agency in 2012, Trump has taken an anti-jobs stancebefore even being inaugurated. The ASBL cites government data that shows small businesses create 90% of the net new jobs as asubstantiation of their concern.

"The argument that closing the SBA is the best method ofstreamlining government is ridiculous," Mr. Chapman elaborated. "Thenotion that you can streamline our $4 trillionFederal Government by eliminating an agency with a budget of $711 million instead of addressing the $6.5 trillion  that the Pentagon can't accountfor is laughable."

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