American Small Business League

A bigger voice for small business.

Through a combination of misguided SBA policies, blatant fraud, loopholes and a lack of oversight by the SBA, large firms are able to obtain small business procurement awards stripping millions from the revenue of America's small business.

“America is built on small business. I have been fighting over 30 years and want this story to be seen by those it affects, including YOU!"


"I am proud to have the support of the American Small Business League and their grassroots efforts to help protect American small business".

Don't Cheat Women

Women are 50% of population and they own 43% of the businesses in America and yet, for over 30 years firms owned by men have received over 95% of all federal contracts and spending.”

In America, money is power, and giving women a more equitable portion of government spending will give them the financial resources to gain the power they deserve to affect both foreign and domestic policy.

Kennedy Shanahan Small Business Economic Business Plan

The American Small Business League was proud to play a key role in shaping the Kennedy Shanahan Economic Policy for Small Business.

This policy ensures that America’s small businesses receive the federal contracts they are legally entitled to, with full transparency and without interference from large corporations. The policy also tackles the current imbalance in contract awards, where 95% of all SBA-awarded contracts go to men, aiming for a more equitable distribution.

Read the full Small Business Economic Business Plan here.


Corporate Kills Small Business with Lloyd Chapman RFK Jr. Podcast

Business Wire

American Small Business League beats DoD and the Pentagon in Federal Court and recovers $500,000

The United States government has paid $500,000 in compensation to the American Small Business League (ASBL)...

PR News Wire

Federal Judge to Rule on Thirty Year Old Pentagon Test Program in ASBL Case

PETALUMA, Calif., Feb. 14, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- In a case filed by the American Small Business League against the Pentagon, Federal District Court Judge William Alsup stated,...

Business Wire

American Small Business League Wins Key Pentagon Documents

The American Small Business League (“ASBL”) announced Wednesday that a federal judge in San Francisco has ordered the Department of Defense to disclose...

About ASBL & Lloyd Chapman

President Obama stated, “I am proud to have the support of the American Small Business League and their grassroots efforts to help protect American small businesses.”

In one of our many successful lawsuits against the Pentagon, Federal District Court Judge William Alsup described the American Small Business League (ASBL) by saying, “So it would be more like a David and Goliath. You get to come in there and be the underdog again against the big company and against the big government.”

Small Business Advocate

"Lloyd Chapman and the America Small Business League deserve recognition for the hard work they have done trying to bring an end to the diversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants. Their efforts, along with the passage of H.R. 2568, will provide a significant boost to our nation's middle class economy"

- Supporter Congressman Hank Johnson

" would be more like David and Goliath. You get to some in there and be the underdog against big companies and against big business" 

- Federal District Court Judge William Alsup
American Small Business League vs Department of Defense


Washington DC vs. American Small Business