Critics: SBA hiding truth on small-business contracts


Critics: SBA hiding truth on small-business contracts

By Elise Castelli
Federal Times
December 12, 2007

Critics are accusing the Small Business Administration of trying to hide the fact that large companies are getting billions of federal contracting dollars meant for small businesses.

The agency released a list of its top 100 small-business contractors. Not on the list were numerous behemoths that typically dominate similar lists: SAIC, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics and DRS Technologies, among others.

In 2006, for instance, SAIC ranked third among companies receiving the most federal contracting dollars targeted for small businesses, according to Eagle Eye Publishing, a private market research firm. General Dynamics was 13th; Lockheed Martin, 26th.

None of them are on SBA’s list, which covers the same year.

An advocacy group representing more than 100,000 small businesses says that’s because the agency is trying to deceive the public.

“This is an attempt by the SBA to do what they have always done: to cover up the fact that Fortune 500 corporations are actually the recipients of most small business contracts,” Lloyd Chapman, president of the American Small Business League, said in a Dec. 3 statement. His group, which represents companies with 100 or fewer employees, says it will sue the agency for denying its Freedom of Information Act request to obtain the data used to compile the agency’s top 100 list.

SBA says it’s not hiding anything.

 “Releasing this list is part of SBA’s ongoing effort to increase the transparency, accuracy and integrity of government small business contracting data,” said SBA Administrator Steve Preston in a statement.

The agency wanted to “refute the claims of people that said we had something to hide” by creating the list, said Joel Szabat, SBA chief of staff.

SBA can’t comment on the differences between its list and Eagle Eye’s list or any other firms’ lists because “we don’t always know what standards the other firms use,” Szabat said.

Eagle Eye is widely considered one of the top research firms tracking small-business contracting data. Congress and SBA’s own Office of Advocacy have hired the firm in the past to compile and analyze data on where small business dollars go.

Paul Murphy, president of Eagle Eye Publishing, thinks that despite what the SBA list says, large firms still get most of the government’s small-business contracting dollars. But SBA’s methodology doesn’t show that.

“They’re trying to create a list that has only small businesses on it when they’re owned by large businesses,” Murphy said.

To achieve this, SBA listed the firms by the industry equivalent of a Social Security number — which is known as a DUNS code. DUNS stands for Data Universal Numbering System, which is a unique nine-digit number assigned to divisions and branches of companies by the financial data firm Dun & Bradstreet. Divisions of the same company have different codes, just like members of a family have different Social Security numbers. As a result, what SBA compiled is a list of the top DUNS numbers that won small-business contracts.

By not totaling the small-business dollars spent through the subsidiaries, as Eagle Eye’s list does, it appears that fewer dollars are going to large firms than actually are, Murphy said.

“If you are not rolling up the subsidiaries and divisions to a single parent, then you are not getting an accurate picture of what the market share of each small business is,” Murphy said.

A case in point: SBA’s No. 1 recipient of small business contracting dollars is ProcureNet Inc., of Fairfield, N.J. But that company was bought two years before by SAIC, one of the largest government contractors. That means SAIC should top SBA’s small business list, Murphy said.

Many companies on the SBA list started as small firms but were acquired by large firms. Examples:

Digital System Resources Inc., which ranks 79th on the SBA list, has been owned by General Dynamics since 2004.

Technical and Management Services, which has a division that ranks second on the SBA list, was bought in 2006 by DRS Technologies, which had $1.7 billion in revenues in 2006.

Galaxy Scientific Corp., which has divisions that rank 65th and 100th on SBA’s list, was purchased in 2005 by SRA International, which had revenues exceeding $1.2 billion in 2006.

It’s not improper that that these companies won small-business contracting dollars even after they were acquired by large companies — federal contracting rules permitted that until this past June. As a result of the new rules, however, 26 of the 100 companies on the SBA list are no longer considered small businesses.

Critics contend the SBA list — by focusing strictly on subsidiaries and divisions of larger companies — fails to properly acknowledge the large role giant contractors play in the small-business contracting arena.

SBA didn’t total the numbers by parent company because officials thought that calculating the dollars by individual DUNS number was more accurate, said Arthur Collins, SBA director for contracting.

“The decision could have gone either way,” Collins said. “We thought this would be a clearer display than rolling it up into one. Our objective was [to list] the largest 100 contract holders that were characterized to be small business.”

As for ProcureNet, under new rules that went into effect in June, the company will no longer be counted toward agency small-business goals and therefore both ProcureNet and SAIC should drop off the list over time, SBA’s Szabat said.

SBA is flagging companies like ProcureNet and Digital Systems Resources on its list by noting when they outgrew their size standards, so in the coming years they can be removed from agencies’ small business calculations, he said.

In addition, the agency just completed a 14-month cleansing of 11 million transactions recorded in the Federal Procurement Data System. That data scrubbing removed $4.6 billion in contracts because the companies holding them were incorrectly coded as small businesses.

Senate Small Business Committee Chairman John Kerry, D-Mass., and other small business advocates applaud SBA’s effort to account for where small-business dollars are going, but they say they want more detail on how SBA compiled the list.

“I want to examine these contracts more closely to ensure all the numbers the SBA presents as small business goal achievements are accurate and without caveats,” Kerry told Federal Times in a Dec. 6 statement.

Max Kidalov, vice president of Centech Group, the No. 22 firm on the SBA list, said that while he is pleased with the attempt at transparency, SBA needs to enforce the rules better that determine which companies are small and which aren’t.

“Until SBA enforces the law and tells billionaire conglomerates that it means business on certifications … unfair competition will continue,” Kidalov said.

SBA’s Preston sent a letter in July to the biggest 800 government contractors, asking that they stop certifying their recently acquired subsidiaries as small businesses. Szabat said the results have been mixed, but the largest of the large firms have complied.

Of the 26 firms on the SBA list that have either grown large or been bought by large firms, all but one have ended their small-business status, according to Central Contractor Registry’s Dynamic Small Business Search. Multimax Inc., which was purchased by Harris Corp. in June, shortly before the rules changed, still appears in the database as a small business.


SBA Office of Advocacy to Hold Meeting to Address Concerns Over Small Business Contracting Data

Press Release

SBA Office of Advocacy to Hold Meeting to Address Concerns Over Small Business Contracting Data

December 10, 2007

PETALUMA, CA-- On Thursday, December 13 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. the Office of Advocacy of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will hold their next meeting of the Small Business Communicators Roundtable to discuss the availability of small business statistics. The event will be held in the Eisenhower conference room (2nd floor) at SBA headquarters, located at 409 3rd Street, SW in Washington, DC 20416.
The meeting will feature speakers from the Census,, the Office of Advocacy and
This session of the Small Business Communicators Roundtable comes in the wake of a Freedom of Information Act request by the American Small Business League for the specific names of firms that were coded as small businesses for FY 2005 and FY 2006 and just two weeks after the release of the Small Business Administration's "Top 100 Small Business Government Contractors" report. The report was released with the intention of increasing transparency in federal small business contracting.
However, upon review of the SBA's statistics the American Small Business League raised questions about the validity of the report, asking the SBA to publish their methodology for producing their top 100 small business contractors. Instead, SBA spokesmen went on the defensive.
On Monday, December 3, the SBA's Director for Government Contracting, Arthur Collins, made statements regarding the nature of the SBA's list, which ran in a Federal Times story titled "Critics question SBA's list of top 100 small-business contractors," by Elise Castelli.
"We looked at firms considered small and receiving large chunks of money under federal contracts. It's a different research question from what the private companies have assessed in the past," Collins said.
"Collins' statements are contradictory to the intended purpose of publishing the Top 100 small business contractors, which is to create greater transparency in federal small business contracting," National Director for the ASBL, Adam Melenkivitz, said, adding that the list can be refuted by examining the recently released "Top 50" recipients of federal small business contracts by FEDMINE.US. The list includes billions of dollars in small business contracts awarded to such large firms as: UT Battelle, Bechtel, Hewlett-Packard, Booz Allen Hamilton, Blackwater, and BAE.
Since 2003, there have been more than a dozen federal investigations that have found fraud, abuse, loopholes and a lack of oversight in federal small business contracting.
In Report 5-15, the SBA Office of Inspector General stated, "One of the most important challenges facing the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the entire Federal Government today is that large businesses are receiving small business procurement awards and agencies are receiving credit for these awards."
"The SBA Communicators Small Business Roundtable will provide an excellent opportunity to meet and discuss the lack of availability and obvious discrepancies in the data that really matter to members of the small business community," ASBL Communications Director, Chris Gunn, said. "It is important that statistics regarding the true recipients of federal small business contracts are available to the public as a means of truly creating accountability and transparency in federal small business contracting." 

SBA Still Refusing to Release all Small Business Contracting Data

Press Release

SBA Still Refusing to Release all Small Business Contracting Data

December 5, 2007

Petaluma, Calif. –  Last Friday, the Small Business Administration released their “Top 100 Report,” listing the top recipients of federal small business contracts for fiscal year 2006. The release comes on the heals of a FOIA request by the American Small Business League to the SBA requesting the names of all firms that were coded as small businesses for FY 2005 and FY 2006. 
The SBA’s Top 100 list differs dramatically from the findings of over a dozen federal investigations and hundreds of newspaper stories that have all found that Fortune 1000 firms have received billions of dollars in federal small business contract awards since the issue was first exposed in the SBA Office of Inspector General Semi-Annual report to Congress, in September 1995.
“We believe that if the SBA were to release the names of all firms that have been coded as receiving federal small business contracts, it would prove that the SBA is unable to substantiate their claim that the federal government awarded $77.7 billion to small businesses during FY 2006,” President and Founder of the ASBL, Lloyd Chapman said.
The American Small Business League has plans to file a lawsuit against the SBA in early 2008, which it believes will prove the SBA overstates the percentage of small business contracts awarded to legitimate small businesses every year.
“When we file suit against the SBA, we will win as we have always done in the past,” Chapman said. “It is difficult to believe these statistics when more than a dozen federal investigations have found that fraud, abuse, loopholes and a lack of oversight in federal small business contracting have led to the diversion of federal small business contracts to large corporations. We believe the statistics will prove that most small business contracts during FY 2005 and FY 2006 actually went to Fortune 1000 corporations and other large businesses around the world.”
In response to the ASBL’s accusations spokesmen from the SBA went on the defensive Monday.
In a story, which ran in the Central Valley Business Times, SBA Spokesman Mike Stamler stated, “As to the threat of lawsuit over acquiring a full list of small business contractors, that full list is and always has been public record available through the Federal Procurement Data System, available to anyone, anywhere.”
The ASBL contends that the specific names and dollar amounts awarded to all firms coded as small businesses for the purpose of hitting the 23 percent small business procurement goal is not available on FPDS-NG.
“If the information we were asking for was available online do you think that we would be going to federal court to get it?” Chapman said.
Another story, which ran in the Federal Times, regarding this issue is titled, "Critics question SBA's list of top 100 small-business contractors." Another SBA spokesman quoted in the article, Arthur Collins, stated, "We looked at firms considered small and receiving large chunks of money under federal contracts. It's a different research question from what the private companies have assessed in the past."
Mr. Collins quote sheds light on the fact that the SBA was actively attempting to muddy the waters and create false impressions about the true recipients of federal small business contracts with the release of their Top 100 contractors, according to Chapman. “The reality is that most small business contracts go to large corporations. We estimate that every year more than $60 billion in federal small business contracts are diverted from legitimate small businesses to some of the largest corporations in the world,” he said.
The ASBL would like to note that Chapman requested a list of the top 100 small business contractors during an August 17th teleconference with SBA Administrator Steven Preston. Additionally, the ASBL challenges Mr. Preston to release the names of all firms that have been coded as small businesses for FY 2005 and FY 2006. The totals should be $75.1 billion for FY 05 and $77.7 billion for FY 06, as stated by Preston during the August 17th SBA teleconference.
“The bottom line is that the SBA has mislead the media, public and Congress about the true volume of small business contracts awarded to small businesses," Chapman said. "Most small business contracts actually go to large businesses. The SBA has gone to great lengths to cover that up.”

Critics question SBA's list of top 100 small-business contractors


Critics question SBA's list of top 100 small-business contractors

By Elise Castelli

Federal Times

December 4, 2007

Critics are accusing the Small Business Administration of trying to hide the fact that large companies are winning billions of federal contracting dollars meant for small businesses.

The agency last week released a list of its top 100 small-business contractors. Not on the list were numerous behemoths that typically dominate similar reports: SAIC, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, GTSI and SI International, among others.

In 2006, for instance, SAIC ranked third among companies receiving the most federal contracting dollars targeted for small businesses, according to Eagle Eye Publishing, a private market research firm. General Dynamics was 13th, Lockheed Martin 26th.

None of them are on the SBA’s list of top small-business contract recipients for that same year.

An advocacy group representing small businesses says that’s because the agency is trying to deceive the public.

“This is an attempt by the SBA to do what they have always done: to cover up the fact that Fortune 500 corporations are actually the recipients of most small business contracts,” Lloyd Chapman, president of the American Small Business League said in a Dec. 3 statement. His group, which represents companies having fewer than 100 employees, intends to sue the SBA because the agency denied a recent Freedom of Information Act request for the data used by the agency in compiling the agency’s top 100 list.

Arthur Collins, SBA’s director for contracting, said tracking large businesses receiving small awards was not the intent of the new list.

“We looked at firms considered small and receiving large chunks of money under federal contracts,” Collins said. “It’s a different research question” from what the private companies have assessed in the past.

SBA removed $4.6 billion in contracts from its database on grounds that those contracts were incorrectly coded as being for small business. Still, it was conceivable that big firms might still be found getting small business awards, Collins said, so he was encouraged to see that by SBA’s research the larger firms didn’t break into the top 100.

“Releasing this list is part of SBA’s ongoing effort to increase the transparency, accuracy and integrity of government small business contracting data,” SBA Administrator Steve Preston said in the Nov. 30 statement.

He said all but one of the SBA’s top 100 firms were properly classified as small at the time they won their contracts. The one exception was DynCorp.

The SBA noted on its top 100 list that some small businesses listed were acquired by larger firms before fiscal 2006 and continued to receive small-business dollars. SBA did not explain why the data was listed by subsidiary, rather than the parent company that ultimately received the funds.

In all, 26 small firms on the list have either outgrown their small-business status or were purchased by large firms, like Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics, according to the SBA’s statement accompanying the list.