New Reports Prove Obama Broke Campaign Promise to Small Businesses
Press Release
New Reports Prove Obama Broke Campaign Promise to Small Businesses
ASBL Uncovers Corporate Giants Receiving Federal Small Business Contracts
By Lloyd Chapman
American Small Business League
July 14, 2015
PETALUMA, Calif., July 14, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/-- During his first campaign President Obama released the statement, "Small businesses are the backbone of our nation's economy andwe must protect this great resource. It is time to end the diversion of federalsmall business contracts to corporate giants."
Now, six years later, federal investigators, investigativereports in the media and government watchdog groups agree the ObamaAdministration has continued to divert billions of dollars a month in federalsmall business contracts to Fortune 500 firms and their subsidiaries.
Public Citizen released a damming investigative report on May 6titled "Slighted: Accounting Tricks Create False Impression That SmallBusinesses Are Getting Their Share of Federal Procurement Money, and thePolitical Factors That Might Be at Play." Public Citizen found the ObamaAdministration has significantly misrepresented the true volume and percentageof federal contracts awarded to small businesses by including billions infederal small business contracts to Fortune 500 firms.
The American Small Business League released their annualevaluation of the latest data available from the Federal Procurement DataSystem and uncovered 179 Fortune 500 firms and their subsidiaries receivedfederal small business contracts last year. The single largest recipient offederal small business contracts for fiscal year 2014 was Verizon with over $125 million in awarded contracts meant for smallbusinesses.
Other corporate giants the Obama Administration has awardedsmall business contracts to include: Chevron, Apple, General Electric,AT&T, CVS, Hewlett Packard, UPS, Bank of America, Home Depot, Target,Microsoft, Wells Fargo, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Boeing, Oracle, Raytheon, LockheedMartin, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, Honeywell International, BAESystems, Rolls-Royce, Sears and John Deere.
The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) has now joined PublicCitizen and the ASBL in objecting to the diversion of billions in federal smallbusiness contracts to corporate giants and the fabrication of the federalgovernment's achievement of the 23 percent government wide small business contracting goal.
On July 7, POGO released an articletitled "Federal Small Business Contracting: Fact or Fiction?"agreeing with the findings of Public Citizen and the ASBL.
Every year of the Obama Administration, PegGustafson, the SBA's Inspector General has named thediversion of federal small business contracts to large businesses as the numberone problem at the SBA.
On June 26, the Pentagon and the SBA ignored the findings ofthe SBA Office of Inspector General, Public Citizen, POGO and the ASBL andclaimed 24.99% of all federal contracts was awarded to small businesses.
"Our research found small businesses are receiving as littleas 5% of all federal contracts each year," stated ASBL President Lloyd Chapman.
Senate Small Business Committee Chairman, DavidVitter, is looking into abuses in federal small businesscontracting programs and has requested the SBA turn over a complete list of all firms that received federal smallbusiness contracts last year.
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