Trump Economic Council Excludes Small Business Leaders, ASBL Reports

Press Release

Trump Economic Council Excludes Small Business Leaders, ASBL Reports

ASBL Speaks Out On Absence of Small Business Leaders

American Small Business League
February 6, 2017

PETALUMA, Calif., Feb. 6, 2017/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today Donald Trump introduced the members ofhis economic council with a conspicuous absence of anyone from the smallbusiness community. Having stated that he would be the "greatest jobs president God ever created,"and create 25 million new jobs, it's curiousthe individuals on his business council are primarily from Fortune 500 firmsand large corporations.

Jack Welch, former chairman and CEO of General Electric, a corporationfamous for its aggressive job outsourcing, is on the council as well as 16other members from corporations such as Walmart, PepsiCo, General Motors, IBM,Boeing, Walt Disney Co. and Tesla Inc.

"We're bringing back jobs" Trumptold the press before their first meeting.

According to government data 98% of all U.S firms have less than 100employees and they create 97% of all net new jobs. There are 28 million smallbusinesses in America that are responsible for half of the GDP, half theprivate sector work force and 90% of U.S exporters.

In 2006, a Kauffman foundation study found that 100% of the newjobs since 1988 have come from new businesses which are overwhelmingly smallbusinesses.

"If the purpose of the economic council is to try toincrease corporate profits by shipping jobs overseas that's definitely theright group to talk to," said American Small Business League President Lloyd Chapman.

"President Trump has promised to be the greatest Jobsproducing president God ever created. Someone needs to show him the U.S Censusbureau data that shows small businesses create 97% of all the net new jobs. Ihaven't seen one economic policy put forth by the Trump administration that isspecifically intended to benefit small businesses, and I don't expect we will.I'm very disappointed that his economic committee should be 98% percent smallbusiness leaders and it's just the opposite. It's populated with people fromfortune 500 firms and they don't create jobs small businesses do."

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