The Second Open Letter To Donald Trump From Lloyd Chapman

Press Release

The Second Open Letter To Donald Trump From Lloyd Chapman

American Small Business League
August 10, 2016

PETALUMA,Calif., Aug. 10, 2016/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Dear Mr. Trump,

Iwould like to offer some suggestions based on U.S Census Bureau data that willhelp you "Make America great again" and "Jump startAmerica."

The Census Bureau dataindicates there are over 28 million small businesses in America and thatthey are responsible for over 90% of the net new jobs. The Small BusinessAdministration released a report that found businesses with fewer than 20employees account for 90% of all U.S. firms and are responsible for more than97% of all new jobs.

Americansmall businesses are responsible for over 50% of the private sector work force,over 50% of the GDP and over 90% of all U.S. exporters are small businesses.

Ihave made a five-minute video of Obama, Bush, Secretary Clinton and your pal, Ted Cruz, talking about the importance ofsmall businesses to job creation. (ASBL Video)

Clearly,if you want to create more jobs you can't do it without helping smallbusinesses. The single largest federal economic stimulus program ever passed byCongress, specifically for small businesses, is the Small Business Act. Todaythat federal law mandates that a minimum of 23% of the total value ofall federal prime contracts be awarded to small businesses. Within that goal isa separate 5% goal for woman-owned small businesses, a 5% goal forminority-owned small businesses and a 3% goal for service disabled veteranowned small businesses.

Here'sthe problem, a long series of federal investigations have found most of the moneythat is supposed to go to small businesses is actually going to Fortune 500firms and their subsidiaries.

NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, RTTV and Mother Jones have all reported onthe abuses.

Sohere is my suggestion, why don't you promise America's 28 million smallbusinesses and the 50% of the private sector work force they employ, if you areelected President, you will guarantee they will receive the 23% of all federalcontracts the law requires. If you end the Obama Administration policy of cheatingsmall businesses and small businesses owned by women, minorities and servicedisabled veterans, I'm sure they will be very very appreciative.

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