White House Canceled Small Business Event to Avoid Tough Questions

Press Release

White House Canceled Small Business Event to Avoid Tough Questions

ASBL Research Prompts Public Citizen Investigative Report "Slighted"

By Lloyd Chapman
American Small Business League
May 19, 2015

PETALUMA, Calif., May 19, 2015/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- It appears the White House may have canceled a majorevent to avoid tough questions for SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweetafter government watchdog group, Public Citizen, released a damming reporttitled "Slighted."

The subtitle of the 20 page investigative report was "AccountingTricks Create False Impression That Small Businesses Are Getting Their Share ofFederal Procurement Money, and the Political Factors That Might Be at Play."

The report found the small business contracting data, that theObama Administration had planned to release at the White House event on Friday May 8, had been grossly inflated.

It was anticipated the event was to be held at the White House, for the first time in recenthistory, to announce a record level of federal contracts that had beenawarded to small businesses in fiscal year 2014. It was announced the event wasto be lead by SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweetand was to be attended by several members of the President's cabinet and othersenior Obama Administration officials.

The decision to cancel the event came late Thursday afternoonapproximately an hour after Washingtonjournalist Kent Hoover of the Washington BusinessJournal contacted SBA Press Office Director Terry Sutherland'soffice in response to the Public Citizen report. Hoover asked for a list of thetop 100 recipients of federal small business contracts for fiscal year 2014.Hoover had also told Sutherland's office he intended to ask SBA Administrator Contreras-Sweet what theSBA had done to insure the accuracy of the data.

The Public Citizen report mirrored numerous federalinvestigations and investigative reports that uncovered the ObamaAdministration had consistently inflated their small business contracting databy including billions of dollars in contracts to Fortune 500firms.

Every year of the Obama Administration, SBA Inspector General Peg Gustafson has named the diversion offederal small business contracts to large businesses as thenumber one problem at the SBA. The Obama Administration has consistentlyrefused to adopt any legislation or policies to halt the widespread fraud andabuse.

The SBA Press Office has repeatedly stuck to its excuse thatthousands of large businesses have received billions in federal small businesscontracts year, after year as a result of random errors they describe as "anomalies,miscoding, computer glitches, data entry errors and simple human error."

The White House may have canceled Friday's event to prevent SBAAdministrator Contreras-Sweet from being questioned by Hoover and otherjournalists about the Public Citizen report and why the supposed random errorsin federal small business contracting do not have a random pattern ofdistribution. Journalists were expected to ask why the supposed random errorsappear to be deliberate and intentional and always dramatically inflate thetrue volume of federal contracts awarded to small businesses by includingbillions in contracts to Fortune 500 firms and their subsidiaries.    

SBA spokesman Terry Sutherlandhas not announced a new date for the Small Business Procurement Scorecard's release.

To view full press release, click here: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/white-house-canceled-small-business-event-to-avoid-tough-questions-300085627.html




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