SBA Refusing to Release Press Office Staffer's Phone Records

Press Release

SBA Refusing to Release Press Office Staffer's Phone Records

American Small Business League (ASBL) files Freedom of Information Act request

By Lloyd Chapman
American Small Business League
August 12, 2014

PETALUMA,Calif., Aug. 12, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The SmallBusiness Administration (SBA) is refusing to release the phone records of PressOffice Deputy Director Carol Wilkerson.

TheAmerican Small Business League requested all of Ms. Wilkerson's phone recordsfor the month of March 2014 under the Freedom of Information Act on April 11, 2014.

TheSBA responded by stating, "Therecords show no long distant calls during that time period. Only outgoing longdistant calls are recorded and maintained in a file, local calls are not."The SBA claims during the entire month of March 2014,Deputy Director Carol Wilkerson did not make even a singlelong distance phone call.

TheASBL has filed an appeal of the SBA's response to their Freedom ofInformation Act request.

TheASBL initially requested Carol Wilkerson'sphone records because they believe the SBA Press Office has engaged in apossibly illegal campaign to halt media coverage of the SBA's involvement inthe diversion of billions of dollars in federal small business contracts toFortune 500 firms, their subsidiaries and thousands of large businesses.

Beginningin 2005 the SBA Office of Inspector General referred to the diversion offederal small contracts to large businesses as, "Oneof the most important challenges facing the Small Business Administration (SBA)and the entire federal government today…"

EverySBA Inspector General since 2005 has reiterated the diversion of small businesscontracts to large businesses continues to be the number one problem at theSBA.

EvenPresident Obama acknowledged the magnitudeof the abuse at the SBA when he released the statement, "It istime to end the diversion of federal small business contracts to corporategiants".

NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC and RTTV haveall reported on the diversion of federal small business contracts to Fortune500 firms.

Datafrom the Federal Procurement Data System indicated in fiscal year 2013, 175 Fortune 500 firms and their subsidiaries receivedbillions of dollars in federal small business contracts. Every year since 2003,the SBA has claimed the diversion of federal small business contracts to largebusinesses is the result of random data entry errors, miscoding, computer glitches andanomalies.

Todate the SBA has never been able to explain why the supposed random errorsalways divert federal small business contracts to large businesses and artificiallyinflate the volume and percentage of federal contracts awarded to smallbusinesses.

TheSBA is also refusing to release all the emails of SBA Press Office Director Terry Sutherlandfor the month of March 2014.

InOctober of 2010, the ASBL appealeda case all the way to the Supreme Court in an attempt to obtain the emailsof previous SBA Press Office Director Mike Stamler.

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