Obama Wants to Power Africa, but Not American Small Businesses

Press Release

Obama Wants to Power Africa, but Not American Small Businesses

August 29, 2013

President Obama has apparently decided it is more important to build power plants in Africa than it is to support the Small Business Administration (SBA), the only agency in America to assist the 28 million small businesses that create over 90 percent of the nation's net new jobs.

President Obama is proposing to essentially close the SBA by combining it with the Department of Commerce to allegedly save the federal government a mere $300 million a year. At the same time, he has pledged over $7 billion is U.S. tax dollars to build power plants in Africa under his program titled "Power Africa."

When Ronald Reagan tried to permanently close the SBA, his plan was to combine it with the Department of Commerce.

It appears President Obama is moving forward with his plan to turn his back on the nation's 28 million small businesses, based on the fact that SBA Administrator Karen Mills resigned over six months ago and he has declined to appoint her successor. This Friday, August 30, will be Mills' last day.

The American Small Business League (ASBL) believes the President Obama's true motivation behind closing the SBA is to avoid further embarrassing scrutiny by federal investigators and the media on the fraud and abuse that has been uncovered at the SBA during his administration. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and newspapers around the country including the Washington Post have all reported on the fraud and abuse at the SBA.

Senior international Pentagon spokesman Terry Sutherland has recently joined the SBA to minimize media coverage and deal with what will no doubt be a strong negative reaction to Obama's decision to spend U.S. tax dollars in Africa and not on American small businesses.

The SBA Office of Inspector General has described the diversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants as, "One of the most important challenges facing the SBA and the entire federal government today."

SBA Inspector General Peg Gustafson, who was appointed by President Obama, has named the diversion of federal small business contracts to large businesses as the most rampant problem at the SBA every year of the Obama Administration.

The Government Accountability Office essentially accused the SBA and other Obama administration officials of encouraging fraud in small business contracting programs in Report 10-108 that stated, "By failing to hold firms accountable the SBA and contracting agencies have sent a message to the contracting community that there is no punishment or consequences for committing fraud."

The ASBL has contacted over 2,000 Chambers of Commerce across the country and so far over 98 percent are opposed to Obama's plan to close the SBA or combine it with the Department of Commerce.

For the latest video from the ASBL, click here.




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