Pentagon Senior Official International Spokesman Takes Over SBA Press Office

Press Release

Pentagon Senior Official International Spokesman Takes Over SBA Press Office

August 27, 2013

One of the Pentagon's senior, worldwide public relations officers has taken over the Small Business Administration (SBA) press office.

Retired Naval Commander Terrence Sutherland has handled many of the Department of Defense's (DoD) most sensitive issues for over a decade. During his career, Commander Sutherland has acted as the Pentagon spokesman in cases of rape, murder, downed spy planes, terrorist attacks, shootings by military personnel, Saddam Hussein and advanced weapons systems.

Now he will be responsible for the SBA's most pressing and well-publicized issue, random "anomalies" in federal small business contracts that seem to always divert small business contracts to many of the Pentagon's largest prime contractors.

For over a decade, a series of federal investigations and mainstream media stories have chronicled the diversion of billions of dollars every year in federal small business contracts to corporate defense giants around the world. Some of the firms that have been uncovered as receiving federal small business contracts include Rolls Royce, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Bechtel, Finmeccanica in Italy, Thales Group in France and Rosoboronexport in Russia. In 2012, General Dynamics received over $215 million in federal small business contracts.

Commander Sutherland's new job will be to continue the SBA's irrational explanation that each year, for over ten years, many of the largest companies in the world have continued to received billions of dollars in federal small business contracts as the result of random "miscoding, computer glitches, anomalies, mistakes and simple human error."

Commander Sutherland's biggest challenge will no doubt be trying to explain why supposed random errors always report awards to large businesses as small business awards and never the other way around. True random errors would have a random pattern of distribution, like flipping a coin. Commander Sutherland will have to counter the dozens of federal investigations and investigative reports that have found the "anomalies" are actually a pattern of widespread fraud and abuse in federal small business contracting programs, particularly at the DoD.

ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN have all reported on the fraud and abuse in SBA-managed programs.

After investigating the SBA, the Government Accountability Office released Report 10-108 that stated, "By failing to hold firms accountable, the SBA and contracting agencies have sent a message to the contracting community that there is no punishment or consequences for committing fraud."

The American Small Business League also believes someone with Commander Sutherland's background and experience has joined the SBA as part of a major push by the Pentagon to close the SBA to permanently cover up the rampant fraud in Pentagon small business programs.

For the latest video from the ASBL, click here.




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