Democratic Loss on November 7 Could Kill Small Business Administration

Press Release

Democratic Loss on November 7 Could Kill Small Business Administration

November 6, 2006

Petaluma, CA, November 6, 2006/ -- According to Lloyd Chapman, president of the American Small Business League, if the Democrats don't recover at least one house of Congress on November 7th, the Bush Administration will be free to move forward with plans to close the Small Business Administration (SBA) and end all federal programs for small, women-owned, minority-owned, and disabled veteran-owned firms.

Since the Reagan Administration, Congressional Republicans have tried to close the SBA and eliminate federal small business contracting programs, but Democrats have always been able to prevent it. With public opinion turning against Republicans, the Bush Administration may see its last opportunity to finish off the SBA and divert over $100 billion in small business contracts per year to giant defense contractors.

Since Bush and Republicans took control in 2000:

"Bush intends to close the SBA, roll it into the Commerce Department and zero out its budget," states Lloyd Chapman, president of the American Small Business League. "Defense contractors that are the biggest contributors to the Republican National Committee want to get their hands on the $100 billion in contracting opportunities that the Bush Administration claims is going to small firms. If Democrats don't take over Congress, Bush will close the SBA and end all federal programs for small businesses before the end of his term. Republican small business owners must realize that they need to quit listening to what George Bush is saying, and start paying attention to what he is doing - before it's too late to save the SBA, or themselves."

For more information about the American Small Business League, see



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