GSA Comment Deadline Looms


GSA Comment Deadline Looms

By Keith Girard
April 14, 2006

The head of a small business group says his campaign against proposed rule changes at the federal General Services Administration is yielding a flood of comments from angry small business owners.

But he urged owners to keep up the pressure and file a written comment with the agency before the deadline passes on Monday.

The organization head, Lloyd Chapman of the American Small Business League (ASBL), says the GSA may be adopting policies that he characterized as "anti-small business." The changes, he says, would allow Fortune 1000 companies to report as small businesses and receive billions of dollars in contracts.

"The fraud and abuse that we are seeing in federal small business contracting programs would never have occurred without the knowledge and consent of the General Services Administration. This agency is one of the primary culprits in allowing contracting abuse," he said in a statement.

To file a comment, go to the government's acquisition Web site, or the ASBL's site.



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