Business League Assails SBA 'Loophole'


Business League Assails SBA 'Loophole'

By Keith Girard
June 12, 2006

One of the leading critics of the Small Business Administration says plans are in the works to change a key policy that prevents large companies from competing for small business government contracts.

Lloyd Chapman, president and founder of the American Small Business League, says the SBA reauthorization bill contains a Republican-inspired provision that would require the SBA to grant small business status to the franchises of large companies.

"This policy is a recipe for disaster. If it passes, I guarantee that next year you'll see hundreds of Fortune 1000 companies set up their divisions as franchises in order to improperly receive federal small business contracts," said Chapman.

While conceding that independently owned franchises could be considered a small business, Chapman said that any policy for franchises should have major restrictions to prevent wholesale abuses by large companies.



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