House bill could help some small businesses, hurt others


House bill could help some small businesses, hurt others

September 18, 2009

Representative Parker Griffith of Alabama's fifth Congressional district this week proposed a bill that would change the way the government contracts with small businesses.

The Small Business Fair Competition Act, if made law, would allow small businesses that are no longer small because of government contracts to continue being considered small businesses when it is time to re-bid the contract.

Griffith and his supporters say that the bill will make it easier for small businesses to retain government contracts that could help keep them afloat in tough economic times. They say that the current structure under which the government deals with small businesses is outdated and anti-competitive, and that the law is overdue for a change.

Critics say that the bill would, in actuality, create a huge loophole through which incumbent contractors grown large and successful on government funds would gain an unfair stranglehold on their contracts. American Small Business League president Lloyd Chapman told Alabama's Times Daily that "[the bill] is one of the most egregious examples I have ever seen of a member of Congress selling legislation to the highest bidder."

The bill will be considered by both the House Small Business and Government Reform and Oversight committees.




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