American Small Business League Sues U.S. DOD Over Small-Business Contracts


American Small Business League Sues U.S. DOD Over Small-Business Contracts

By Rebecca Villaneda
March 11, 2011

Earlier this week, the American Small Business League (ASBL) filed a suit against the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) over information regarding recent defense contracts.

The ASBL alleges that the Obama administration is giving billions of dollars of federal small-business contracts to large corporations.

The allegation comes after the ASBL made a Freedom of Information Act request for the most recent contract audit conducted by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA).

Since 2003, according to ASBL, a series of federal investigations indicate that billions of dollars a month in federal contracts intended for small businesses are going to Boeing, Northrop Grumman and Dell Computer among other corporate giants.

"Despite his unending rhetoric about the importance of small businesses in America, President Obama is allowing corporate giants to illegally receive billions of dollars a month in federal small-business contracts," ASBL President Lloyd Chapman said in a statment. "To make matters worse, the Obama administration is serving as a barrier to transparency and accountability."




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