Appeals Court Rules Against Small-Business Group In Transparency Case Over Pentagon Contracts


Appeals Court Rules Against Small-Business Group In Transparency Case Over Pentagon Contracts

By Russell Boniface
Northern California Record
January 30, 2017

SAN FRANCISCO — The American Small BusinessLeague lost an appeal on Jan. 6 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9thCircuit in San Francisco in an attempt to show evidence of reducedsubcontracting opportunities for small businesses in Pentagon contracts.

In the Freedom of Information Act Requestcase, according to a news release, the ASBL sought to have Sikorsky AviationCorporations disclose its subcontracting plan that it submitted to thePentagon's 27-year-old Comprehensive Subcontracting Plan Test Program. ASBL wascontesting the transparency of the Pentagon's contract procurement and wantedto prove that the CSPTP program has cheated small businesses out of more than$5 trillion.

In November 2014, the ASBL a won its originalFOIA case against the Pentagon in federal district court. Judge William Alsupdetermined Sikorsky's CSPTP information had no trade secret or proprietary orconfidential financial information, and ruled that Sikorsky had to provideevidence of compliance with federal contract law.

Alsup also accused the Pentagon of covering upthe information, and later accused the Pentagon and Sikorsky of trying tosuppress evidence.

The appellate court overruled Alsup in favorof Sikorsky, even though it never saw the documents on which Alsup based hisverdict.

"The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals made a hugemistake," ASBL President Lloyd Chapman told the Northern California Record."Judge Alsup had Sikorsky's documents and decided nothing constitutes a tradesecret or is proprietary, and even accused the Pentagon of fraud. How can the9th Circuit Court overrule the district court if it has never seen thedocuments? It's lunacy."

"It is a serious setback for small businessesof getting a piece of the federal contracting pie," Charles Tiefer, professorof contracting government at the University of Baltimore School of Law, toldthe Northern California Record. "This opinion will make it harder forsmall businesses to challenge the federal monopoly of federal contracts. Itwill make it only too easy for big defense contractors like Sikorsky to dodgetheir responsibilities to subcontractors with worthy small businesses."

Tiefer, who was commissioner in 2008-2011 ofthe Commission on Wartime Contracting, has written a legal opinion corroboratingthe ASBL's case, in which he calls the CSPTP "seriously harmful" tosmall businesses.

"It is obvious that big defense contractorslike to keep profit to themselves and allow little for other small businesses,"Tiefer said. "Every contractor has to have a subcontracting plan and contractwith small businesses. For understanding government contracting, ASBL wanteddisclosure of Sikorsky. Sikorsky is supposed to subcontract to small businessesthe parts and skilled labor. It is part of the supply chain."

Chapman said the case removes all transparencyfrom the last 27 years of the Pentagon's harmful federal-contract activities.

"The taxpayers don't know how $5 trillion oftheir tax dollars have been spent for the last 27 years," he said.

The ASBL is planning to appeal the case,according to the news release.

"The CSPTP program says you don't need a planfor each contract—you can have a national plan," Tiefer said. "I don't believethere are numerical quota requirements, so you're just citing a national plan.There is no way to check a contract. The ASBL wanted to see these plans andshow they are window dressing, providing a curtain to contractors to monopolizeor pick and choose the subcontractor that will give them the most profit."

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