Trump's SBA Budget Saves Loan Guarantees, But Cuts Microloans And Training


Trump's SBA Budget Saves Loan Guarantees, But Cuts Microloans And Training

By Robb Mandelbaum
March 17, 2017

At her confirmation hearing in January, new SBA administrator Linda McMahon appeared noncommittal toward the Small Business Administration's chief mission, providing financing for small companies. But her skepticism hasn't quite reached 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. In its 2018 budget blueprint, released Thursday, the Trump administration appears to be funding the largest SBA loan programs at 2017 levels.Overall, in a budget outline — the details won't be filled in until May — that promises bad news for most civilian government agencies, the Small Business Administration gets off easy. Compared to sharp cuts at the Environmental Protection Agency (down 31 percent), and the Departments of State (down 28 percent), Agriculture and Labor (21 percent), and Justice (20 percent), the SBA would see a modest trim, just 5 percent reduction from its 2017 funding.

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