Government Small Business Statistics Include Over 5,000 Large Businesses


Government Small Business Statistics Include Over 5,000 Large Businesses

American Small Business League
June 21, 2017

PETALUMA, CA--(Marketwired - June 21, 2017) -Datafrom the Federal Procurement Data System compiled by Rockville,Maryland-based Fedmine, found the Small Business Administration includedfederal contracts to over 5,000 large businesses in the $99.96 billion the SBAclaimed were awarded to small businesses.

The SBA's small business data also includedbillions in federal contracts that actually went to over 150 Fortune 500 firms.

Some of the firms that have received federalsmall business contracts in recent years include, Apple, Walmart, Microsoft, Home Depot, Bechtel, SAIC,Raytheon, Hewlett-Packard, Oracle, IBM, Johnson and Johnson, General Electric, NorthropGrumman, Honda Motors, British Aerospace and Engineering and Rolls Royce.

The Fedmine report indicates the SBAdramatically inflated the volume and percentage of federal contracts awarded tolegitimate small businesses.

Ina May 18th, press release the SBA claimed small businesses had received$99.96 billion in federal contracts and 24.34 percent of all federal contractsawarded in fiscal year 2016.

Data from the Congressional Budget Officeindicates the SBA also significantly inflated the percentage of awards to smallbusinesses by excluding the vast majority of federal acquisitions from theircalculations.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reportsthe total federal acquisition budget for 2016 was $1.2trillion. The Small Business Act mandates small businesses receive aminimum of 23%of all federal contracts.

Small businesses should have received 23percent of the $1.2 trillion in contracts the federal government actuallyawarded in 2016 which would be approximately $276 billion. To claim smallbusinesses received 24.34 percent of all federal contracts in FY 2016, the SBAexcluded over $790 billion in contracts and used an acquisition budget numberof just $410 billion.

Every year since 2005 the SBA Office ofInspector General has named the diversion of federal small business contractsto large businesses as the number one management problem at the SBA. Asearly as 2003the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found over 5,300 largebusinesses were the actual recipients of federal small business contracts.

In 2008, President Obama released thestatement, "It is timeto end the diversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants."

Professor Charles Tiefer, one of the nation'sleading authorities on federal procurement law and a contributor to Forbes releasedan article on June 5, 2017 challenging the accuracy of the SBA'sstatistics.

In 2014, Public Citizen released aninvestigative report titled "Sleighted",that found the SBA had fabricated compliance with federal small businesscontracting goals. In 2016, Mother Jones released their investigative reporttitled, "GiantCorporations Are Reaping Billions From Federal Small Business Contracts."

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, Fox News and RTTV have all releasedinvestigative reports that found the SBA included billions in federal smallbusiness contracts to Fortune 500 firms.

The American Small Business League (ASBL) hasfiled for a federalinjunction to stop the SBA from falsifying federal small business data. Thecase is currently in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

For the full press release, click here:




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