ASBL President Lloyd Chapman

About Lloyd Chapman

For more than 30 years, Lloyd Chapman has worked to protect the interests of our nation's 27 million small businesses. In 2004, Mr. Chapman founded the American Small Business League (ASBL) with a goal of stopping the diversion of federal small business contracts to large corporations.

Mr. Chapman has been credited with prompting the first federal investigation and congressional hearing looking into the diversion of small business contracts to large corporations. During the last seven years, Mr. Chapman and the ASBL have been instrumental in prompting the removal of 600 large firms from federal small business databases, more than 25 federal investigations and nearly 1000 stories in various media outlets across the nation. Additionally, on six separate occasions Mr. Chapman has filed suit against the federal government and won. As a result of Chapman's work, small businesses across the country are doing more business with the federal government, and business owners are more aware of the challenges facing their small businesses. A relentless champion and vocal crusader for the rights of small businesses, Mr. Chapman is a familiar figure at the Small Business Administration (SBA) and on Capital Hill where he has continued to work tirelessly during the last two presidential administrations to prevent widespread fraud and abuse.

Mr. Chapman began his career working for legendary Texas political leader Bob Bullock. He spent eight years in the Texas Controller's office, before moving to California in 1986 to enter the computer industry. It was at this time that he first became aware of major problems in federal small business contracting programs, and soon became an advocate for small technology firms. 

In this role, he closely monitored federal "set-aside" contracts for small businesses. In 1991, his work triggered a Congressional investigation into the F-22 Stealth fighter program, which forced the Air Force and Lockheed Martin to allocate an additional $501 million to small and minority-owned firms.

By law, the federal government is obligated to award a fair portion (currently 23%) of its contracts to small businesses. That said, a series of federal investigations and private studies have found that the government is reporting billions of dollars in contracts to large companies as federal small business awards.

In his continuing role as a small business advocate, Mr. Chapman spearheaded litigation to acquire information on small business utilization in government contracts. In 1993, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ruled against the Defense Logistics Agency, forcing it to release vital information documenting small business contract awards. This has paved the way for greater participation by small businesses in federal contracting by exposing the lack of enforcement of congressionally mandated small business goals.

Lloyd Chapman's Track Record

Since Ronald Reagan's administration, Lloyd Chapman has been active in the fight for small businesses. Here is a look at a few of the highlights of his efforts.



Lloyd's efforts were publicized when the Reagan administration changed the small business size standards from 100 to 500 employees


Filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that triggered a Congressional investigation into the F-22 Stealth fighter that forced the Air Force and Lockheed Martin to allocate an additional $501 million to small and minority-owned firms.


Filed a lawsuit against Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) over large companies' small business subcontracting goals (view document) President Clinton issues Executive Order 12928 promoting improved SDB contracting as a direct result of the DLA lawsuit (download PDF of Presidential Document)


President Clinton issues Executive Orders 12958 and 12968 changing FOIA restrictions and making it easier to get information. (download PDF of Presidential Document for EO 12958 and EO 12968)


Information provided by Lloyd prompted a Government Accountability Office (GAO) investigation confirming that, in direct conflict with the Small Business Act of 1953, a significant number of small business contracts were being awarded to some of the world’s largest corporations. (LA Times article covering the opening of the investigation)


Lloyd testified before Congress during the GAO investigation (download transcript from GAO investigation or review report of hearing) The Associated Press (AP) ran a nationwide story on Lloyd's GAO testimony (review CBS News article) Lloyd succeeded in calling for the removal of 600 large firms from the SBA's Pro-Net Database (now CCR). (review Inc Magazine coverage, download a PDF report from the Committe of Small Business, or download a ZIP file of ASBL's complete folder of documentation.)


Fought the SBA rule change to increase the size standard for the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code for the IT industry. Lloyd succeeded and they kept the classification for small business at 150 employees or fewer. (read Computer Reseller News coverage, or a report of the proceedings.)


Lloyd took an active role with the GAO in the investigation of the US Department of Energy (DOE), finding that they had falsified small business contracting data. (read Entrepreneur magazine coverage, or All Business coverage)
Provided information to the SBA Inspector General which prompted the release of reports 5-15 and 5-16. The SBA Inspector general admitted in 5-15 admitted that “One of the most important challenges facing the [SBA]... is that large businesses are receiving small business procurement awards and agencies are receiving credit for these awards”
Sued the SBA forcing the release of information on all firms whose contract protests had been denied (Pioneering Solutions coverage, Dollars and Sense Coverage)


Lloyd mounted a nationwide campaign against the grandfathering / 5-year recertification loophole which allowed large firms 5 years after aquiring a small company before losing the acquired firm's small business status. (Download a PDF report from the Set Aside Alert, listen to a radio interview, review Computer Reseller News coverage, download a PDF of Washington Technology's coverage, or read Eagle Eye Inc's report)
Worked with (and later filed suit against) the SBA Inspector General to release information on Insight Public Sector falsely claming to be a small business. They were eventually fined $1 million thanks largely to Lloyd's involvement. (read Government Executive's news story, or Minority and Women In Business coverage.)
After a failed attempt to work in partnership with the SBA, filed suit against the SBA Inspector General to release information on GTSI's receipt of small business contracts, which resulted in the firm with 850 employees being debarred from federal contracting. (Computer Reseller News coverage was extensive: Article One, Article Two, and Article Three.)
Lloyd publicized the fact that the Bush Administration was cutting the SBA budget. (Dollars and Sense news coverage, Business Week's coverage)
Filed suit and won against NASA to obtain the names of firms awarded small business contracts by NASA. (Space Ref coverage)


Fought the SBA for the release of the Eagle Eye Report documenting that large firms continue to receive small business contracts. The report is a bit of a legend, and there are stories claiming the report did not actually claim that fact, but Lloyd proved that it did. (read Entrepreneur magazine coverage, All Business Coverage, and the Fairness in Procurement Alliance (FPA)'s concise report which includes many reference links to pertinent data)


Won a lawsuit against the SBA in Federal Court which forced the release of Contracting Data for the 2005 and 2006 fiscal years. (this story was covered nation wide by dozens of news outlets.)
Prompted the release of a Department of Interior (DOI) report which unequivocally concluded the SBA "consistently" failed to verify business size. (All Business news story)

Lloyd partnered with Congressman Hank Johnson to write the legislative bill, The Fairness and Transparency in Contracting Act, which passed and is now known as H.R. 2568. (Congressman Johnson's statement, Money Magazine / CNN coverage.)
Sued for the release of SBA's head spokesman, Communications Director, Mike Stamler's phone records. This is currently on appeal to the 9th circuit court (read Hispanic Business coverage, and Legal Radar's coverage: First Article, Subsequent Article)

What Are Other People Saying?

{Canavan said Bechtel supports the American Small Business League in its efforts to promote small businesses.
January 22, 2010
{I am proud to have the support of the American Small Business League and their grassroots efforts to help protect American small business.
February 26, 2008
{Lloyd Chapman and the American Small Business League deserve recognition for the hard work they have done trying to bring an end to the diversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants. Their efforts, along with the passage of H.R. 2568, will provide a significant boost to our nation’s middle class economy.
July 21, 2009
{It is an honor to join you today to introduce one of my favorite constituents from Novato, California, Lloyd Chapman, and I am confident that Mr. Chapman's testimony will prove insightful. He has been an outspoken advocate for small business people in our North Bay community--we are right across the Golden Gate Bridge from San […]
May 7, 2003
{I just wanted to extend my appreciation & continued support for the ASBL. Lloyd has been a godsend in helping small businesses have a ‘voice.’ It's invaluable for me to have (legal) input and to work toward resolutions on issues that come up in my business. A lot of time small businesses, especially when they […]
November 2008
{Mr. Chapman, I look forward to some day having the honor of meeting you in person, to say "thank you" for all of your hard work and efforts on our behalf, and to shake the hand of the one national and prominent leader willing to fight for the small guy. In the meantime, thank, and […]
July 2009
{I think Lloyd is a hero to every small business in the country... With all the others claiming to be small business advocates, he is the only one DOING something. Thank you Lloyd!!
July 21, 2009
{Your President [Lloyd Chapman] is good. I hope he keeps the heat up. If he wins this case to get Obama & SBA to stop diverting money away from small businesses (including somehow returning the money that already went out by recounting the last few Fiscal Years wrong accounting of small business contracts), he will […]
May 2009
{It really ticks me off that other small business groups claim to be helping me, but haven't done squat. How can I trust that they are on my side, when their largest members are writing their paychecks? And through the years I've yet to see them take a stand for small business like the ASBL […]
July 2009
{Lloyd, as always thanks for all the hard work you do for small businesses across the country!!
June 2009
{98% of firms in America have has less than 100 employees and only one person is bringing this to the attention of the national media?? Thanks Lloyd
December 2008
{Thanks for keeping up the fight for us small businesses Lloyd!
February, 2009

Advocating for
small businesses since 2004