Congresswoman Hahn Amendment Calls for Investigation into Small Business Contracts Unfairly Awarded to Fortune 500 Companies


Congresswoman Hahn Amendment Calls for Investigation into Small Business Contracts Unfairly Awarded to Fortune 500 Companies

March 25, 2015

Washington, DC—Today, Congresswoman Janice Hahn (CA-44) calledfor an investigation into why designated federal small business contracts oftenare unfairly rewarded to large corporations.

"Contracting is one of the most important ways the federalgovernment can empower small businesses. But every year, small businesscontracts are routinely given to some of our country's largest corporations, "said Congresswoman Hahn. "Small businesses should not be losing out on thesevaluable contracts to corporate giants!"

An amendment introduced by Congresswoman Hahn directing the U.S.Government Accountability Office (GAO) to assess the extent of this problem,identify why this happens, and make recommendations for possible solutions wasunanimously passed today by the House Small Business Committee and receivedpraise from Committee Republicans Chairman Steve Chabot, Congressman ChrisCollins, and Carlos Curbelo and Ranking Democrat Nydia Velazquez.

The federal government has an annual goal of awarding 23% of allcontracting dollars to small businesses. However, numerous reports have castdoubt on whether designated small business contracts are actually going tosmall businesses. Major corporations including Disney, Apple, Chevron, and Bankof America have all reportedly received these small business contracts in thepast several years according to reports by the American Small Business League.

"I love my iPhone, and I enjoy taking my grandchildren toDisneyland, but Apple, Disney and other major corporations should not bereceiving federal contracts designated for small businesses," saidCongresswoman Hahn. "This problem is pervasive, and I hope that my amendmentwill lead us to take the necessary steps to stop the abuses in federalcontracting. When Fortune 500 companies are awarded small business contracts,small businesses across the country missing out on billions of dollars inbusiness."

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