#GetRealSBA: Public Citizen Calls Out SBA Misrepresentation of Small Business Goal Achievements
Sign the #GetRealSBA Petition here tell the SBA you expect better!
U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce
October 9, 4000
Thishas been a watershed week for the Small Business Administration and SBA claimsof small business federal contracting goaling reports. Three importantactivities took place. During "Small Business Week" the week during which theSBA announced (and cancelled) a White House press conference to tout thegovernment wide small business federal contracting goaling achievements thefollowing happened:
1. Public Citizenissued a report claiming the SBA uses accounting tricks to create the"false impression that small businesses are getting their share of federalprocurement money."
2. The BusinessJournal / Washington Bureau (Kent Hoover) called out the SBA todisclose the top 100 small business contractors and answer specifically whatthe agency had done to ensure that small buisness contracting numbers wereaccurate.
3. TheBusiness Journal / Washington Bureau (Kent Hoover) published an article titled,"It's time forSBA to get real about small business contracting numbers."
TheU.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce has issued numerous reports over the yearscalling out the SBA for providing false information. And, on March 19, 2015,Margot Dorfman CEO of the U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce, deliveredpowerful testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives SmallBusiness Committee highlighting that, for a decade, the SBA Inspector Generalhas named the failure of the SBA to count large businesses as small for federalgoaling reports as the most serious management and performance challenge facingthe SBA.
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