Group Demands SBA Investigation


Group Demands SBA Investigation

By Keith Girard
April 17, 2006

Fueled by the contents of newly released documents, the head of a small business advocacy group is renewing his call for a federal investigation of the Small Business Administration.

American Small Business League President Lloyd Chapman said his group obtained more than 100 formal contract-award protests from the SBA through a federal Freedom of Information Act lawsuit and 18-month legal battle.

"Our findings confirm we were right on target with our concerns," said Chapman, "and this is just a sampling over an 18-month period."

The group charges that large corporations are winning federal contracts earmarked for small businesses, and that the SBA is doing next to nothing to police the process. Chapman said a preliminary review of the documents shows that a large number were dismissed on minor technicalities. In other cases, he said, the SBA failed to follow up on complaints.

"It's time for the Justice Department to investigate," he said. "We're talking about $119 billion in small business prime and subcontracts."



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