Lawmakers seek probe on DoD subcontracting


Lawmakers seek probe on DoD subcontracting

By Sean Reilly
Federal Times
October 29, 2010

Five House members have asked the Government Accountability Office to look into whether a Defense Department program is accomplishing its mission of increasing small-business subcontracting opportunities.

Some two decades after its creation, the Comprehensive Subcontracting Plan Test Program "has never been evaluated to determine if the goals of the program have been met," Rep. Yvette Clarke, D-N.Y., and the other four lawmakers wrote last month in requesting the investigation.

Specifically, they want GAO to explore whether allowing large prime contractors to use subcontracting plans on a corporate, division or plantwide basis has led to an increase in small-business subcontracting opportunities and whether primes are meeting their annual subcontracting goals. The lawmakers are also seeking a detailed accounting of the extent to which small businesses are being used as subcontractors on contracts issued to large participants in the program.

At GAO, the request is under consideration by top management, a spokeswoman said Friday.




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