Obama Administration Not Supporting DVBE & Other


Obama Administration Not Supporting DVBE & Other

By Staff
June 1, 2010

2008 the American Small Business League (ASBL) endorsed Obama in his run for the presidency. They did this based on his promise to stop the billions of dollars in federal contracts that were intended for small businesses but were diverted to large corporations. Unfortunately, they have now determined that Obama’s promise was all talk with no action.

The ASBL recently conducted an in-depth review of the administration’s actual work to support small business. The results are available in their report: http://bit.ly/buhVZr.

In their report, ASBL states:

“During the Obama Administration’s nearly 16 months in office, it has failed to adequately hear the concerns of the small business community, or support legislative or policy changes that would bolster job creation and improve the economic outlook of the nation as a whole. The ASBL maintains that based on his track record for small businesses, President Obama is heavy on rhetoric and light on action. In fact, the ASBL has observed Obama Administration actions that have illuminated an anti–]small business slant. To date, President Obama has supported reforms that have done more harm to the small business community than good.”

The report lists facts showing how the Obama Administration has not only failed to support small business in the country but is in fact actively working against them. Here are the facts they discovered:

  1. Failed to stop the diversion of small business contracts to corporate giants
  2. Failed to restore the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) budget and staffing
  3. Failed to restore cabinet level status for SBA’s administrator
  4. Failed to implement the 5 percent set-aside goal for women-owned small businesses
  5. Failed to implement recommendations from the small business community
  6. Failed to stop the destruction of minority set-aside programs
  7. Failed ot provide assistance to CIT during the summer of 2009
  8. Allocated less than 3 percent of stimulus funds to small businesses
  9. Oversaw the failure of the America’s Recovery Capital (ARC) Loan Program
  10. Destroyed a decade’s worth of contracting data
  11. Reduced transparency in federal contracting data
  12. Reduced transparency under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
  13. Failed to curb widespread fraud in veteran-owned small business programs
  14. Failed to support legislation to stop the diversion of federal small business contracts to large corporations
  15. Failed to end the comprehensive sub-contracting plan test program
  16. Allowed the SBA itself to award small business contracts to large corporations

I strongly encourage you to go read this report for yourself. Then contact you representative and senators and let them know how dissatisfied you are with this performance and that you expect Congress to help remedy these problems.

Source:  http://dvbeblog.org/?p=28



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