Report: Many small-business contracts awarded to large companies


Report: Many small-business contracts awarded to large companies

By Francis Rose
Federal News Radio
February 27, 2012

Monday - 2/27/2012, 6:20pm  ET

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Brian Reeder, communications director, American Small Business League

Some of the biggest contracts for small businesses are awarded to companies that are not that small, according to a recent report from the American Small Business League.

Brian Reeder, the league's communications director, joined In Depth to discuss the report's findings. with Francis Rose

Using federal procurement data, the group found that of the top 100 companies receiving the most in federal small-business contracts, 72 were actually large companies that "significantly exceeded" the size standards set by the Small Business Administration, according to the report.

The report for fiscal-year 2011 shows an increase in the number of small-business contracts being awarded to large corporations, such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics and others.



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