Small business group says fixing fraud would stimulate economy


Small business group says fixing fraud would stimulate economy

Central Valley Business Times
October 27, 2008

•  A new economic stimulus plan not needed -- if

•  ‘Enforce existing laws and end fraud and abuse’

A small business advocacy group says fixing fraud and closing loopholes in the federal government’s small business contracting programs would immediately boost the nation’s middle class economy.

The American Small Business League points to “over a dozen” federal investigations since 2003 have found billions of dollars in federal contracts earmarked for middle class firms instead diverted to Fortune 500 companies.

A new economic stimulus plan might not be needed if the loopholes were closed and the federal money actually went to small businesses, the ASBL contends.

“The fastest and simplest way to stimulate the middle class economy is to enforce existing laws and end fraud and abuse in the existing federal programs to assist small businesses,” the Petaluma-based organization says.




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