An Open Letter To Rachel Maddow From American Small Business League President Lloyd Chapman

Press Release

An Open Letter To Rachel Maddow From American Small Business League President Lloyd Chapman

By Lloyd Chapman
American Small Business League
December 11, 2014

PETALUMA, Calif., Dec. 11, 2014/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following is an open letter to Rachel Maddow from ASBL President Lloyd Chapman:

I just watched your Wednesday night program about the inclusionof the Tonto National Forest land giveaway to Rio Tinto mining in the 2015National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

I have uncovered another example of an unbelievably corruptprovision that is being included in the Defense Authorization Act. It's calledthe ComprehensiveSubcontracting Plan Test Program (CSPTP). I have won over two dozen Freedomof Information Act (FOIA) cases against the federal government. I have seenthousands of pages of documents relating to federal small business contractingprograms.

Based on all the data I have seen, I would estimate America's 28million small businesses have been defrauded out of well over one trillion dollars in federal subcontracts since this "Test Program" was adopted more than a quarter ofa century ago. 

The House has voted to renew this program into its twenty-eighth year of testing.To date no member of Congress or taxpayer has ever seen any reports or data onthis program.

The Pentagon has refused torelease any data on this program for more than twenty-five years. Gee, Iwonder why?

The Pentagon adopted this "Test Program" in 1990 underthe pretense of "increasing subcontracting opportunities for small businesses."In reality it did just the opposite. The CSPTP eliminated all publiclyavailable data that could be used to track a Pentagon prime contractor'scompliance with federally mandated small business subcontracting goals.

It also eliminated all penalties such as "liquidated damages" that Pentagon prime contractorshad previously faced for failing to comply with their federally mandated smallbusiness subcontracting goals.

The language in the Chairman's Mark of the Defense AuthorizationBill stated, "However, after nearly 24 years since the originalauthorization of the program, the test program has yet to provide evidence thatit meets the original stated goal of the program..."

Pentagon spokeswoman Maureen Schumanntold The Blaze in a statement, "Although well-intended, the program has not producedquantifiable results. The Department of Defense position is to not havecongress extend the CSP."

Professor Charles Tieferis one of the nation's leading experts on federal contracting law. InSeptember, he issued a legal opinion on the CSPTP. It stated, "The program is a sham and its extension will be seriouslyharmful to vital opportunities for small business to get government contractingwork... Let it expire."

I hope you will agree that eliminating all transparency onfederal small business subcontracting programs, as a plan to help smallbusinesses is ludicrous. To continue to test this "sham" program intoits twenty-eighth year of testing is insane.  Like the Rio Tinto Apache landgiveaway, the Comprehensive Subcontracting Plan Test Program is another exampleof our broken government.  These two corrupt provisions should not beallowed to be included in the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act.

On Nov. 23, I won a landmark FOIA case against the Pentagon. They don't' seem to like me for some reason. Nowthat I have sent you this letter you will probably be contacted from someonerepresenting the government about this. I think this documentarytrailer explains what I am trying to accomplish.

Nothing the Pentagon can say about me has any relevance to thefacts surrounding their secret 25-year-old blatantly anti-small business"sham" Test Program.

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