Bush Administration Stalls Implementation of Women's Procurement Program

Press Release

Bush Administration Stalls Implementation of Women's Procurement Program

July 13, 2006

PETALUMA, Calif., July 13, 2006 /PRNewswire/ In spite of six-year-old federal legislation and a federal court order, the Bush administration continues to stall implementation of the women's procurement program. This has resulted in the loss of billions of dollars in federal small business contracts to women entrepreneurs. The government's latest delaying tactic was to issue a "proposed rule" through the Small Business Administration requiring a public comment period.

The U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce points out that the SBA's new proposal changes the language of the original legislation and calls for stringent certification requirements which will significantly slow the ability of many women business owners to participate in the program. If adopted, the policy will be stricter than the certification requirements for disabled veterans.

In a recent interview with GovExec.com, Margot Dorfman, CEO of the Women's Chamber stated, "At every turn, the SBA has sought to sabotage the implementation of this important program for women as established in 2000. Now they seek to change the laws established by Congress."

"Republican women business owners need to stop listening to what President Bush says and start paying heed to what he does--I say actions speak louder than words," stated Lloyd Chapman, President of the American Small Business League. "Bush's refusal to implement the women's procurement program clearly shows his lack of commitment to women entrepreneurs. All women business owners, both Democrats and Republicans alike, need to keep this in mind the next time they step into a voting booth."

Chapman added, "I think every woman business owner owes the U.S. Women's Chamber a debt of gratitude for their unwavering commitment to see that this program is properly implemented."

Comments on the SBA's proposal can be sent through the U.S. Women's Chamber Web site at http://www.capwiz.com/sblink/issues/alert/?alertid=8889136. The deadline to submit a comment is Monday, July 17, 2006.

About the ASBL

The American Small Business League was formed to promote and advocate policies that provide the greatest opportunity for small businesses - the 98% of U.S. companies with less than 100 employees. The ASBL is founded on the principle that small businesses, the backbone of a vital American economy, should receive the fair treatment promised by the Small Business Act of 1953. Representing small businesses in all fields and industries throughout the United States, the ASBL monitors existing policies and proposed policy changes by the Small Business Administration and other federal agencies that affect its members.


Lloyd Chapman



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