Obama Administration Cancels Small Business Celebration Over Embarrassing Report

Press Release

Obama Administration Cancels Small Business Celebration Over Embarrassing Report

ASBL Research for Public Citizen Prompts White House to Cancel SBA Event

By Lloyd Chapman
American Small Business League
May 11, 2015

PETALUMA, Calif., May 11, 2015/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Obama Administration abruptly canceled a scheduled White House event that was to be held on Friday, May 8 to announce their fiscal year 2014 Small Business Procurement Scorecard.

Washington Journalist Kent Hoover may have frightened the ObamaAdministration into canceling a major White House event to celebrate the fiscalyear 2014 Small Business Procurement Scorecard. It was anticipated the White House was going to announce smallbusiness received 25% of all federal contracts in fiscal year 2014. TheSmall Business Administration Press Office, headed by TerrySutherland, may have panicked after Hoover asked for a list of the top 100 recipients of federalsmall business contracts.

Over the last decade it has been widelyreported that the vast majority of the top 100 recipients of federal small business contracts are actuallyFortune 500 firms and other large businesses. Hoover had apparently toldthe Press Office he planned to ask SBA Administrator MariaContreras-Sweet why the SBA had continued toinclude billions of dollars in federal small business contracts to Fortune 500firms and their subsidiaries in their small business contracting reports.

The sudden decision to cancel the event also appears to havebeen related to an embarrassing report by Public Citizen that was released on Wednesdaythat challenged the accuracy of the Obama Administration's smallbusiness contracting data. The Public Citizen investigative report wasbased largely on research done by the American Small Business League andinterviews with their President Lloyd Chapman.

Information Chapman provided to Public Citizen proved the SBA policy ofincluding contracts to Fortune 500 firms in their small business data was infact illegal, fraudulent and in direct violating of the Small Business Act.Chapman has released a series of press releases and blogs exposing the fraud in SBA managed programs.

Chapman also provided the language in the Small BusinessAct that proves the SBA policy of excluding billions from the overall federalprocurement budget in order to significantlyinflate the percentage of federal contracts that appear to have beenawarded to small business was also blatantly illegal. The Small Business Actmandates a minimum of 23% of the total value of all federal contracts beawarded to small business and has no provisions for any exclusions used bythe SBA to inflate and misrepresent the percentage of awards to small businesses.

The Obama Administration has not announced when the event willbe rescheduled.

To view full press release, click here: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/obama-administration-cancels-small-business-celebration-over-embarrassing-report-300080641.html?tc=eml_cleartime




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