SBA Refusing To Release Unredacted Terry Sutherland Emails

Press Release

SBA Refusing To Release Unredacted Terry Sutherland Emails

ASBL Continues Fight To Uncover SBA Press Office Emails

By Lloyd Chapman
American Small Business League
October 23, 2014

PETALUMA, Calif., Oct. 23, 2014/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Small Business Administration (SBA) is refusingto release complete copies of all Press Office Director TerrySutherland's emails. The American Small Business League(ASBL) originally requested Sutherland's emails for the month of March on April 9, 2014 under the Freedom of Information Act.

The SBA originally claimed Sutherland only had 73 emails inMarch. The ASBL appealed the request and the SBA then acknowledged heactually had over 2,000 emails.  When the ASBL finally receivedSutherland's 2000 emails, several had been redacted.

After analyzing Sutherland's emails, the ASBL believes the SBAis still withholding a significant number of the documents. ASBL President Lloyd Chapman has been the SBA's harshestcritic issuing several press releases and blogs a month criticizingthe fraud that has been uncovered in SBA programs. None of the emailsreleased by the SBA makes any mention of Chapman or the ASBL. The ASBL believesthe SBA is withholding any of Sutherland's emails that would reveal the SBA'scampaign to discourage journalists from writing about fraud at the SBA.

Several of Sutherland's emails seem to indicate he does notphysically work at the SBA headquarters, but actually works out of his home.Sutherland's emails also indicate he is still closely connected to the Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA) where he was headof Corporate Communications.

The ASBL believes Sutherland took over the SBA Press Office in April 2013 to reduce media coverage of the ObamaAdministration's plan to quietly dismantle the agency. President Obamainitially tried to close the SBA by combining it with the Department of Commerce. That plan wasderailed after the ASBL launched a national campaign to expose the plan to shutter the agency. The Obama Administration dropped theirplan to close the SBA after several journalists published stories agreeing with Chapman that President Obama wasactually trying to close the agency.

"It's obvious the SBA Press Office is attempting to blockstories on the Obama Administrations plan to close the agency. They are alsotrying to kill any media coverage of the rampant fraud at the SBA that has beenuncovered by the GAO, the SBA's own Inspector General and the mainstreammedia," Chapman stated.

News organizations such as NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox News, CNBC, MSNBC and RTTV haveall reported on the fraud in SBA managed programs.

The ASBL plans to file suit in the Federal District Court in San Francisco to force theSBA to release all of Terry Sutherlands emails in their entirety.

Watch new ASBL documentarytrailer.

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