Defense Department sued over Raytheon info


Defense Department sued over Raytheon info

By Staff
April 8, 2011

PETALUMA, Calif., April 8 (UPI) -- The American Small Business League is suing the U.S. Department of Defense for refusing to release data on contracts awarded the Raytheon Co.

The ASBL said suit was filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, after the Defense Department "repeatedly refused to respond to a Freedom of Information Act request for documents related to Raytheon's compliance with small business subcontracting goals."

The ASBL said it believes the information contained in Raytheon's subcontracting reports may show that the contractor isn't complying with its congressionally mandated small business goals. Also, ASBL says it is concerned the reports may indicate that Raytheon and the Defense Department cooperated to circumvent federal law, which requires 23 percent of all federal contracts be awarded to small businesses.

The ASBL's most recent suit was filed to gather information on a series of major government prime contractors, which may lead to litigation filed under the False Claims Act, and Section 16(d) of the Small Business Act.

The league said in a news release that including the suit filed this week, the administration of President Barack Obama has forced the ASBL to file 13 lawsuits in pursuit of publicly releasable documents regarding government contracting programs.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in 1994 that subcontracting reports are releasable to the public and don't contain trade secret or proprietary information, it said.

"People in the mainstream media seem to think stories about small business issues are not interesting to the public, but this is not just a small business story," ASBL President Lloyd Chapman said. "This is a story about trillions of dollars in contracting fraud, bribery, and corruption in government. This is a story about how lobbying dollars dictate economic policy in America.

"Our government is broken. How else could you explain $100 million an hour in small business contracts going to large businesses for over a decade?"

The ASBL describes itself as a non-partisan organization designed to assist and advocate on behalf of Small Business in regards to Federal Small Business issues.


Department of Defense Sued for Refusing to Release Raytheon Contracting Data

Press Release

Department of Defense Sued for Refusing to Release Raytheon Contracting Data

April 7, 2011

Petaluma, Calif. – On Wednesday, April 6, the American Small Business League (ASBL) filed suit against the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) after the agency refused to release subcontracting reports on contracts awarded to Fortune 500 defense giant Raytheon. The ASBL filed suit in United States District Court, Northern District of California. (  

The case was filed after DoD repeatedly refused to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents related to Raytheon’s compliance with small business subcontracting goals.

The ASBL believes the information contained in Raytheon’s subcontracting reports may show that the contractor is not complying with its congressionally mandated small business goals.  Additionally, the ASBL is concerned the reports may indicate that Raytheon and DoD cooperated in an effort to circumvent federal law, which requires 23 percent of all federal contracts to be awarded to small businesses.

The ASBL’s most recent suit was filed in a continuing effort to gather information on a series of major government prime contractors, which may lead to litigation filed under the False Claims Act, and Section 16(d) of the Small Business Act.

Including Wednesday’s lawsuit, the Obama Administration has forced the ASBL to file 13 lawsuits in pursuit of publicly releasable documents regarding government contracting programs. In 1994, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that subcontracting reports are releasable to the public, and do not contain trade secret or proprietary information.

Despite continually promising the most transparent administration in history, the Obama Administration has actually been amongst the least transparent. In early 2010, the Associated Press conducted a review of FOIA reports filed by 17 major agencies, and found across the board increases in the number of rejections. While the federal government as a whole received fewer FOIA requests during the first year of the Obama Administration, agencies increasingly said “no” to requesters looking for public documents. (  

“People in the main stream media seem to think stories about small business issues are not interesting to the public, but this is not just a small business story.  This is a story about trillions of dollars in contracting fraud, bribery, and corruption in government. This is a story about how lobbying dollars dictate economic policy in America,” ASBL President Lloyd Chapman said. “Our government is broken. How else could you explain $100 million an hour in small business contracts going to large businesses for over a decade?”


What a federal shutdown might do to your business


What a federal shutdown might do to your business

By Doug Caldwell
Central Valley Business Times
April 7, 2011

•  Tax refunds delayed and more

•  Lawmakers fiddle as the clock ticks

If the federal government “shuts down” Friday night at 9 p.m. Pacific time, here’s what might happen to Californians and their businesses. A caution about the list: It continues to change, there being no single source for all aspects of what will be impacted.

• About 170,000 people – the number of non-military federal workers in California – would technically lose their jobs

• Small business that sell goods and services to the federal government may find no one to take delivery, answer their calls – or send them a check

• With the Small Business Administration largely shut down, there would be no way to get approval for SBA-backed loans except for SBA disaster-assistance loans which are funded separately

• National parks, including those employing Central Valley workers such as Yosemite, Kings Canyon and Sequoia – would be closed

• The 27 Internal Revenue Service offices in the state would be closed

• Federal income tax refunds not already in the mail or slated for direct deposit will be halted

• But electronic tax filing will still proceed

• The U.S. Postal Service, an independent corporation, should function as it normally does

• Veterans Administration hospitals will stay open as normal as will federal prisons

• Military and border control operations as well as the TSA and air traffic control workers at airports, also deemed essential, are expected to continue without interruption

• The E-Verify program of the Department of Homeland Security, used by businesses in the hiring process, would be shut down

• Passports and visas would not be issued

• Social Security checks would go out as they normally do but applications and other services would be suspended

• Medicare payments and processing would continue

• Federal Housing Administration loan approvals would halt

• Review of environmental impact statements by the U.S. EPA would be ended for the duration

The Republican majority in the House of Representatives is demanding a $61 billion cut in spending in the current budget year before they will consider passing a measure permitting the government to spend money past Friday at midnight Eastern time.

“A government shut down would clearly have a major impact on small businesses all across the country. The federal government is the largest purchaser of goods and services in the world, and shutting down the flow of government dollars to small businesses may ripple across nearly every industry and cost countless jobs,” says Lloyd Chapman, president of the American Small Business League of Petaluma.

“Our President and Congress allowing the government to shut down would be just another major indicator of the gross incompetence that exists in Washington today,” Mr. Chapman says.

However, there are 535 federal employees who will continue to get paid: the members of Congress, who are paid an average of $174,000 a year.
