Small Business Administration Refusing to Release Phone Records Under Freedom of Information Act

Press Release

Small Business Administration Refusing to Release Phone Records Under Freedom of Information Act

Commander Cover-Up Terry Sutherland is on the Job

By Lloyd Chapman
May 15, 2014

In2009 I requested the phone records for the Small Business Administration (SBA)Press Office Director Mike Stamler. I wound up in the United States Supreme Court. TheSupreme Court refused to hear my case and MikeStamler's phone records remained secret.

Whatin the world was in Mike Stamler's phone records that the SBA was willing to goto the U.S. Supreme Court to keep secret? I suspect those phone records wouldshow that the SBA Press Office was working closely with the Pentagon to killstories on the fact that billions of dollars a week in federal small businesscontracts are being diverted to some of the nation's largest defensecontractors.

Ibecame interested in the SBA Press Office's phone records again when one of thePentagon's top PR hit men, Commander Cover-Up, Terry Sutherland quietly took control of the SBA Press Office in April of2013. The day before he took over the SBA Press Office, Sutherland was theDirector of Corporate Communications for the Pentagon Force Protection Agency. Sutherland had been one of the topspokesmen for the Pentagon for over 20 years. That's a perfectly normal careerpath, right? You go from the spokesman for the single largest agency ingovernment to the next day being the spokesman for the smallest agency ingovernment. Nothing suspicious about that, right?

Sutherlandwas most famous for running the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) smearcampaign against 9/11 whistle blower LTC Tony Shaffer of Able Danger fame. Ifyou're not familiar with LTC Shaffer, he was the guy that uncovered three ofthe 9/11 hijackers a year before the attacks. Instead of a medal, LTC Shaffer'stop security clearance wasrevoked and his credibility underwent a major attack by CommanderCover-Up Terrence Sutherland. 

Mysuspicions about the SBA Press Office's phone records must be valid. About amonth ago, under the Freedom of InformationAct, I requested the March phone records for SBA Press OfficeDirector Carol Wilkerson. I received a letter from the new guardian of the TOPSECRET SBA phone records, the Cover-Up King himself, Terry Sutherland.Commander Cover-Up claims there are no phone records for Wilkerson. He stated, "The records show nolong distance calls during that time period. Only outgoing long distance callsare recorded and maintained in a file, local calls are not."

Twothings are difficult, if not impossible, to believe. First off, who in theworld would believe the Deputy Director of the SBA Press Office did not make asingle long distance phone call in March? Not one single call?! Come on Terry!Second, the SBA has absolutely no records of any kind for calls that are notlong distance? Yeah right!

Sohere we go again. I will be filing an appeal of the SBA's refusal to providethe phone records I have requested. I'm sure they will stick to their BS storyand then I will file my case against the SBA in Federal District Court in SanFrancisco.

Ican't wait to hear what the judge says when the lawyers for the SBA try to tellhim they don't have local phone records and their top level executives don'tmake long distance calls. It should be very amusing.

Sincethe SBA has admitted that they do keep records for long distance calls, I willbe requesting those very soon. I say the SBA is going to fight like hell towithhold those phone records because they will show that the SBA Press Officeis doing something very, very nasty that they really don't want us to knowabout. Could Terry Sutherland be involved in another smear campaign?

No!How could that be? Terry Sutherland was in the Navy and that makes him anAmerican hero, doesn't it? You would have to be a conspiracy nut to think thatthe former Director of Corporate Communications for the Pentagon ForceProtection Agency would ever be involved in a cover-up of the intentionaldiversion of hundreds of billions of dollars in federal small businesscontracts to some of the nation's largest defense contractors.


New SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet to Speak in Washington on Thursday and Friday

Press Release

New SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet to Speak in Washington on Thursday and Friday

By Lloyd Chapman
Amraican Small Business League
May 15, 2014

PETALUMA, CA -- (Marketwired) --05/15/14 -- According to the American Small Business League, newly appointedSmall Business Administration (SBA) head Maria Contreras-Sweet is scheduled tospeak in Washington on Thursday May 15th and Friday May 16th as part ofNational Small Business Week.


Contreras-Sweet will be speakingat the following events Thursday and Friday:


US Chamber of Commerce
1615 H St NW
Washington, DC 20062
Thursday 3:00-8:00pm


FHI360 Conference Center
1825 Connecticut Ave NW - 8th Floor
Washington, DC 20009
Friday 6:45am-2:45pm


Administrator Contreras-Sweet mayhave to face some tough questions on the continuing federal investigative reports and media reports thathave found hundreds of billions of dollars in federal small business contractsthat have been knowingly diverted to Fortune 500 firms.


American Express recentlyrecognized Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet as one of the four most "ardent advocates"for small businesses in America along with American Small Business LeaguePresident Lloyd Chapman. Chapman stated, "I was shocked to hear thatAdministrator Contreras-Sweet is speaking at the US Chamber of Commerce. The USChamber has been lobbying to close the SBA and end all federal small businessprograms since Ronald Reagan was President. The US Chamber is certainly nofriend of mine as anyone can see by watching the debate between their spokesmanand myself on CNBC."


Federal investigators have found Fortune 500 firms to be the actual recipientof billions of dollars in federal small business contracts every year since2002. The most recent data from the Federal Procurement Data System indicatesthat 175 Fortune 500 firmsreceived federal small business contracts last year and 235 from the previous year.


The SBA Office of InspectorGeneral headed by Obama appointee Peg Gustafson, has named the diversion offederal small business contracts to large corporations as the number one problem at the SBA every year forthe last six years.


After investigating the SBA, theGovernment Accountability Office (GAO) essentially accused senior SBAexecutives of encouraging fraud when they released Report 10-108 that stated, "By failing to hold firmsaccountable, SBA and contracting agencies have sent a message to thecontracting community that there is no punishment or consequences forcommitting fraud."


A recent legal opinion byProfessor Charles Tiefer, one of the nation's leading experts on federalcontracting law, found that legitimate small business might have been fraudulently cheated out of over one trilliondollars.


In what appears to be anescalation in the SBA's campaign to limit media coverage of the well-documentedfraud and abuse in federal small business contracting programs, former Directorof Corporate Communications for the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, retiredNaval Commander Terry Sutherland took control of the SBA Press Office in Aprilof 2013. Mr. Sutherland has repeatedly declined to comment on the abuses.


The American Small Business League(ASBL) predicts the SBA policy of diverting billions of dollarsin federal small business contracts to Fortune 500 firms will continue underAdministrator Contreras-Sweet's leadership.


Question for the SBA can bedirected to SBA spokesman Terry Sutherland
(202) 205-6919 ||


Pentagon sued by American Small Business League over FOIA request


Pentagon sued by American Small Business League over FOIA request

The American Small Business League says it has filed suit in U.S. Federal Court against the Department of Defense for not turning over contracting information requested under the Freedom of Informatio

By Richard Tomkins
UPI Business News
May 15, 2014

PETALUMA, Calif., May 15 (UPI) --The U.S.Department of Defense is being sued by the American Small Business League forfailure to produce requested sub-contracting data.

The suit,filed in Federal District Court in San Francisco, pertains to subcontractingdata on Sikorsky Aircraft under the Comprehensive Subcontracting Plan TestProgram. The organization had requested the information under the Freedom ofInformation Act.

Under theSubcontracting Plan Test Program, 15 of the Pentagon's top prime contractorsdon't have to submit quarterly subcontracting reports that would otherwise beavailable to the public, ASBL said. The contractors can also avoid anypenalties for not complying with the small business contracting goals mandatedby the government.

The AmericanSmall Business League alleges that the plan enables "prime contractors tocheat" legitimate small businesses out of federal contracts.

"This isthe biggest scam in the history of federal contracting at the Pentagon and weplan to shut it down," ASBL President Lloyd Chapman said in announcing thesuit. "You can just imagine what happened to the volume of sub-contractsawarded to small businesses once these prime contractors no longer had tosubmit reports that were available to the public.

"Therewere no negative consequences for failing to achieve their small businesscontracting goals. I believe the level of fraud and corruption this lawsuitwill expose will be unprecedented," Chapman added.

Read more:

Pentagon Sued for Refusing to Release Contracting Data on Sikorsky

Press Release

Pentagon Sued for Refusing to Release Contracting Data on Sikorsky

By Lloyd Chapman
American Small Business League
May 14, 2014

PETALUMA, CA--(Marketwired - May 14,2014) - According to the American Small Business League, the American SmallBusiness League (ASBL) has filed suit against the Pentagon inFederal District Court in San Francisco, CA. The ASBL is suing the Pentagonunder the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The Pentagon refused to respond to a FOIArequest for subcontracting data on Sikorsky under the ComprehensiveSubcontracting Plan Test Program.

The 25 year old Comprehensive SubcontractingPlan Test Program allows fifteen of the largest Pentagon prime contractors toavoid submitting quarterly subcontracting reports that would otherwise beavailable to the public. The Comprehensive Subcontracting Plan Test Programalso allows prime contractors to avoid any penalties for non-compliance withfederally mandated small business contracting goals.

The ASBL believes the ComprehensiveSubcontracting Plan Test Program is an intentional loophole in federalcontracting law that has allowed Pentagon prime contractors to cheat legitimatesmall businesses out of trillions of dollars in federal small businesscontracts since the program began in 1989.

The ASBL points to the fact that noresults for the test program have ever been released or made available to thepublic. The program is virtually unknown throughout the government and nojournalist has ever reported on it during the last 25 years.

ASBL President Lloyd Chapman stated,"This is the biggest scam in the history of federal contracting at thePentagon and we plan to shut it down. You can just imagine what happened to thevolume of subcontracts awarded to small businesses once these prime contractorsno longer had to submit reports that were available to the public. There wereno negative consequences for failing to achieve their small businesscontracting goals. I believe the level of fraud and corruption this lawsuitwill expose will be unprecedented."

The ASBL expects to win the caseeasily since the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in 1994 thatsubcontracting data submitted to the Pentagon by prime contractors does notconstitute trade secret or proprietary information and is releasable to thepublic.

The ASBL believes the suddenappearance of Terry Sutherland, formerDirector of Corporate Communications for the Pentagon Force Protection Agency,to head the SBA Press Officeis an indication the Pentagon has launched a major public relations campaign tolimit media coverage of the ASBL's goal to dismantle the ComprehensiveSubcontracting Plan Test Program.

Over the last ten years the ASBL haswon numerous Freedom of Information Act cases against the Pentagon, NASA, theGSA and the SBA.


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New SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet to Speak in Boston on Thursday

Press Release

New SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet to Speak in Boston on Thursday

By Lloyd Chapman
American Small Business League
May 14, 2014

PETALUMA, CA--(Marketwired - May 14,2014) - According to the American Small Business League, newly appointed SmallBusiness Administration (SBA) head Maria Contreras-Sweet is scheduled to speakin Boston on Thursday, May 15 as part of National Small Business Week.

Contreras-Sweet will be speaking atthe Boston event between 8:00am and 4:30pm EDT. The event takes place at:

Microsoft New England R&D Center
1 Memorial Drive, Suite 100
Cambridge, MA 02142

Administrator Contreras-Sweet may haveto face some tough questions on the continuing federal investigations and mediareports that have found hundreds of billions of dollars in federal smallbusiness contracts that have been knowingly diverted to Fortune 500 firms.

Numerous media investigative reports including one by CBS Boston uncovered the rampant diversion ofbillions of dollars in federal small business contracts to corporate giants.

Federal investigators have also found Fortune 500 firms to be the actual recipientof billions of dollars in federal small business contracts every year since2002. The most recent data from the Federal Procurement Data System indicatesthat 175 Fortune 500 firmsreceived federal small business contracts last year and 235 from the previous year.

The SBA Office of Inspector Generalheaded by Obama appointee Peg Gustafson, has named the diversion of federalsmall business contracts to large corporations as the number one problem at the SBA every year forthe last six years.

After investigating the SBA, theGovernment Accountability Office (GAO) essentially accused senior SBAexecutives of encouraging fraud when they released Report 10-108 that stated, "By failing to hold firmsaccountable, SBA and contracting agencies have sent a message to thecontracting community that there is no punishment or consequences forcommitting fraud."

A recent legal opinion byProfessor Charles Tiefer, one of the nation's leading experts on federalcontracting law, found that legitimate small business might have been fraudulently cheated out of over one trilliondollars.

In what appears to be an escalation inthe SBA's campaign to limit media coverage of the well-documented fraud andabuse in federal small business contracting programs, former Director ofCorporate Communications for the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, retiredNaval Commander Terry Sutherland took control of the SBA Press Office in Aprilof 2013. Mr. Sutherland has repeatedly declined to comment on the abuses.

The American Small Business League (ASBL)predicts the SBA policy of diverting billions of dollars in federal smallbusiness contracts to Fortune 500 firms will continue under AdministratorContreras-Sweet's leadership.

Question for the SBA can be directedto SBA spokesman Terry Sutherland
(202) 205-6919 ||