White House Stalls Release of SBA Data to Senator David Vitter
Press Release
White House Stalls Release of SBA Data to Senator David Vitter
ASBL predicts inflated SBA data to be quietly released soon
By Lloyd Chapman
American Small Business League
June 24, 2015
PETALUMA, Calif., June 24, 2015/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On May 19, Senate SmallBusiness Committee Chairman, David Vitter,sent a letter to Small Business Administration (SBA)Administrator, Maria Contreras-Sweet, requesting a complete list of all firms that had receivedfederal small business contracts in fiscal year 2014.
To date, the SBA has refused to turn over the controversial datato Senator Vitter. The Obama Administration had announced the fiscal year 2014 data would be released at amajor White House event schedule for May 8. Thelandmark White House event was to be led by SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet with the President'sCabinet and other senior Obama Administration officials in attendance.
The event was abruptly cancelled late May 7,after Public Citizen released a report on May 6 titled "Slighted: AccountingTricks Create False Impression That Small Businesses Are Getting Their Share ofFederal Procurement Money, and the Political Factors That Might Be atPlay." The investigative report exposed the fact the federal governmenthad inflated the true volume of federal contracts awarded to smallbusinesses by including billions in contracts to Fortune 500 firms andcorporate giants around the world.
In 2008, President Obama released the statement, "It istime to end the diversion of federal small business contracts to corporategiants." Despite this campaign promise, Fortune 500 firms have continued toland billions of dollars in federal small business contracts. Some of thefirms that have received federal small business contracts in recent yearsinclude, Hewlett-Packard, Oracle, IBM, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, LockheedMartin, British Aerospace Engineering (BAE), Verizon, Apple and Chevron.
NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, Fox News and RTTV haveall reported on the abuses in federal small business contracting programs.Investigative reports began to surface as early as 2002 about the fact billions of dollarsin federal small business contracts were being diverted to corporate giants.
The Public Citizen investigative report featured data providedby the American Small Business League and interviews with the organization'sPresident Lloyd Chapman. Chapman's campaign to endabuses in federal small business programs have been featured in dozens of newspaper and magazinearticles.
In March, the House Small Business Committee unanimously adoptedan amendment to request aGovernment Accountability Office (GAO) investigation into fraud in federalsmall business contracting programs, based on research done by the ASBL.
"The Public Citizen investigative report obviouslyembarrassed the Obama Administration and caused them to cancel the May 8 White House event. I predict SBA Press OfficeDirector Terry Sutherland will go back to trying tokill media coverage of the falsified data by releasing it on a Fridayafternoon. I think we will see the data either this Friday or next Friday justbefore the Fourth of July weekend," statedASBL President Lloyd Chapman.
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