Group Sues SBA, Says Government 'Defrauded Small Businesses'


Group Sues SBA, Says Government 'Defrauded Small Businesses'

Government Executive
May 5, 2016

Just a week after the Small BusinessAdministration celebrated record-breakingcontract awards to small business owners eligible for government set-asides,a longtime critic filedsuit in federal court for an injunction to force SBA to halt some of thepractices used in measuring its success.

The Petaluma, Calif.-based AmericanSmall Business League, in an injunction addressedto Administrator Marie Contreras-Sweet filed in Federal District Court in SanFrancisco, argued that the SBA's "illegal policies" have "defrauded small businessesand small businesses owned by women, minorities and disabled veterans out ofhundreds of billions of dollars in government contracts."

It quotes the Small Business Act'slanguage noting that "the governmentwide goal for participation by smallbusiness concerns shall be established at not less than 23 percent of the totalvalue of all prime contract awards for each fiscal year." And withinthat category, the goal states 5 percent for women-owned small businesses, 5percent for minority-owned firms, and 3 percent for disabled veterans.

But the SBA, the group's argument goes,"has created a policy they call the 'exclusionary rule' and 'small business eligible dollars' thatuses a significantly lower federal acquisition budget number to calculate thepercentage of contracts awarded to all categories of small businesses."

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Among the types of contracts defined as"excluded," according to the brief, are those involving contractsperformed outside of the United States; acquisitions by agencies on behalf offoreign governments, entities or international organizations; and all contractsinvolving the following agencies: the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the U.S.Postal Service, the Bureau of Engraving And Printing, the U.S. Mint, the Officeof the Comptroller Of The Currency, the Office Of Thrift Supervision, theTransportation Security Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration,the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts,the Architect of the Capitol, Bankruptcy Courts, the Central IntelligenceAgency, the Congressional Budget Office, the Court Services and OffenderSupervision Agency, the Pretrial Services Agency, the Federal Judicial Center,the Overseas Private Investment Corp., the Supreme Court, TRICARE, and theCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

"The SBA cannot claim it has met itssmall business participation goals unless a significant portion of the totalcontracts are ignored, some contracts are declared exempt, despite the act'scrystal clear use of the phrase all prime contracts," the injunction concludes.

"I am confident," said leaguePresident Lloyd Chapman, "the court will find theSBA's policies violate federal law and the SBA has blatantly falsified federalsmall business contracting data and cheated small businesses out of billions ofdollars."

An SBA spokesman told GovernmentExecutive, "We don't have any comment and aren't aware of anycomplaint."

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Group Sues SBA, Says Government 'Defrauded Small Businesses'


Group Sues SBA, Says Government 'Defrauded Small Businesses'

Government Executive

May 5, 2016

Just a week after the Small Business

Administration celebrated record-breaking

contract awards to small business owners eligible for government set-asides,

longtime critic filed

suit in federal court for an injunction to force SBA to halt some of the

practices used in measuring its success.

The Petaluma, Calif.-based American

Small Business League, in an injunction addressed

to Administrator Marie Contreras-Sweet filed in Federal District Court in San

Francisco, argued that the SBA's "illegal policies" have "defrauded small businesses

and small businesses owned by women, minorities and disabled veterans out of

hundreds of billions of dollars in government contracts."

It quotes the Small Business Act's

language noting that "the governmentwide goal for participation by small

business concerns shall be established at not less than 23 percent of the total

value of all prime contract awards for each fiscal year." And within

that category, the goal states 5 percent for women-owned small businesses, 5

percent for minority-owned firms, and 3 percent for disabled veterans.

But the SBA, the group's argument goes,

"has created a policy they call the 'exclusionary rule' and 'small business eligible dollars' that

uses a significantly lower federal acquisition budget number to calculate the

percentage of contracts awarded to all categories of small businesses."

» Get the best federal news and ideas

delivered right to your inbox.
Sign up here.

Among the types of contracts defined as

"excluded," according to the brief, are those involving contracts

performed outside of the United States; acquisitions by agencies on behalf of

foreign governments, entities or international organizations; and all contracts

involving the following agencies: the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the U.S.

Postal Service, the Bureau of Engraving And Printing, the U.S. Mint, the Office

of the Comptroller Of The Currency, the Office Of Thrift Supervision, the

Transportation Security Administration, the Federal Aviation Administration,

the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts,

the Architect of the Capitol, Bankruptcy Courts, the Central Intelligence

Agency, the Congressional Budget Office, the Court Services and Offender

Supervision Agency, the Pretrial Services Agency, the Federal Judicial Center,

the Overseas Private Investment Corp., the Supreme Court, TRICARE, and the

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

"The SBA cannot claim it has met its

small business participation goals unless a significant portion of the total

contracts are ignored, some contracts are declared exempt, despite the act's

crystal clear use of the phrase all prime contracts," the injunction concludes.

"I am confident," said league

President Lloyd Chapman, "the court will find the

SBA's policies violate federal law and the SBA has blatantly falsified federal

small business contracting data and cheated small businesses out of billions of


An SBA spokesman told Government

, "We don't have any comment and aren't aware of any


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Federal Injunction Filed by ASBL Against SBA Could Boost Funds for Small Businesses by Billions

Press Release

Federal Injunction Filed by ASBL Against SBA Could Boost Funds for Small Businesses by Billions

ASBL Files for Federal Injunction Against Small Business Administration to Halt Fraud

American Small Business League
May 5, 2016

Petaluma, Calif. - The American Small Business League(ASBL) has filedfor an injunction in Federal District Court in San Francisco to stop twospecific Small Business Administration (SBA) policies the ASBL believes havedefrauded small businesses including  women-owned, minority-owned and disabledveteran-owned small businesses out of hundreds of billions of dollars infederal contracts.


The Small Business Act requires that small businesses shallreceive a minimumof 23% of the total value of all prime contract awards each year.


The SBA created a policy they call their "exclusionaryrule" which excludes billions of dollars in federal contracts from theircalculations to significantly inflate the percentage of awards to allcategories of small businesses. The CongressionalBudget Office indicates a total discretionary budget of $1.2 trillion forfiscal year 2015. Professor Charles Tiefer, one of the nation's leadingauthorities on federal contracting law, has issued a legal opinion putting thetotal annual federal acquisition budget at well over $1trillion dollars.


The SBAfalsely claimed the federal government achieved all its small businesscontracting goals in fiscal year 2015 with women, minorities and disabledveterans by using a federal acquisition budget of just $352billion.


The second policy the ASBL is hoping to eliminate is theSBA's longstanding practice of including billions in federalcontracts to Fortune 500 firms, their subsidiaries and thousands of otherlarge businesses in the volume of contracts they claim the federal governmentawarded to legitimate small businesses.


The SBA refers to this policy as their "five-year rule" or "grandfatheringrule". These policies were adopted shortly after a Congressionalinvestigation, conducted in 2003, where the Government Accountability Office(GAO) uncovered over5,300 large businesses including Fortune 500 firms were the actualrecipients of billions of dollars in federal contracts the SBA claimed had goneto small businesses.


The ASBL believes the SBA hurriedly adopted the"grandfathering rule" in an attempt to legitimize the rampant fraud and corruptionthat had been uncovered by the GAO.


In 2009, the GAO released Report 10-108 that seemed toaccuse the SBA of encouraging fraud in a federal programs. That investigationstated, "Byfailing to hold firms accountable the SBA and contracting agencies have sent amessage to the contracting community that there is no punishment orconsequences for committing fraud or abusing the intent of the SDVOSB program."


Some of the firms federal agencies have claimed weresmall businesses include, Rolls Royce, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Oracle,Disney, Titan Industries, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Bechtel, SAIC, Honda, Raytheon,Citigroup, Johnson & Johnson, General Electric, Microsoft and BritishAerospace.


The ASBL Believes if their injunction is granted federalcontracts to all categories could increase by well over $100 billion a year.


ASBL attorney Robert Belshaw stated, "I think we have a verystrong case here. I think the SBA is going to have a difficult time convincingthe court Fortune 500 firms are small businesses."



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Small Biz Org Accuses SBA Of 'Creative Accounting'


Small Biz Org Accuses SBA Of 'Creative Accounting'

May 4, 2016

Law360, Washington (May 4, 2016, 5:09 PM ET)-- The American Small Business League on Tuesday accused the U.S. SmallBusiness Administration of "creative accounting" in a California federal courtlawsuit seeking to block the agency from demonstrating small businessparticipation goals in government contracts by leaving out some agencies andcounting major corporations as small.

The Small Business Act explicitly requires 23 percent of total federal primecontract award dollars go to small businesses, but according to the ASBL, theagency was only able to show a 25.75 percent participation in fiscal year2015...

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Federal Injunction Filed by ASBL Could End SBA Corruption and Fraud

Press Release

Federal Injunction Filed by ASBL Could End SBA Corruption and Fraud

ASBL Files for Federal Injunction Against SBA to End Corruption and Fraud

American Small Business League
May 4, 2016

Petaluma, Calif. - The American Small Business League (ASBL) has filedfor an injunction in Federal District Court in San Francisco against theSmall Business Administration to halt illegal policies they believe havedefrauded small businesses and small businesses owned by women, minorities anddisabled veterans out of hundreds of billions of dollars in governmentcontracts.


The ASBL's injunction is asking the court to halt twospecific SBA policies they believe have cheated small businesses out ofhundreds of billions in federal contracts.


The Small Business Act states, "TheGovernmentwide goal for participation by small business concerns shall beestablished at not less than 23 percent of the total value of all primecontract awards for each fiscal year." Within that category, the goalstates 5 percent for women-owned small businesses, 5 percent for minority-ownedfirms, and 3 percent for disabled veterans.


The SBA has created a policy they call the "exclusionaryrule" and "smallbusiness eligible dollars" that uses a significantly lower federalacquisition budget number to calculate the percentage of contracts awarded toall categories of small businesses. The ASBL maintains the SBA's exclusionarypolicy has no basis in the law and has allowed the SBA to defraud smallbusinesses out of billions in federal contracts.


Data from the CongressionalBudget Office indicates a total federal budget for fiscal year 2015 of $3.9trillion and a discretionary spending budget of $1.2 trillion. The ASBLbelieves $1.2 trillion is the most accurate acquisition budget number thatshould be used to calculate the volume and percentage of federal contractsawarded to small businesses for FY 2015.


The second SBA policy the ASBL believes is in violation ofthe Small Business Act is the SBA's "grandfatheringrule" or "five-yearrule". Using this policy, the SBA reports billionsin federal contracts to Fortune 500 firms, their subsidiaries, and hundredsof large businesses around the world as small business contracts. Thisdramatically inflates the volume of federal contracts that appear to have beenawarded to small businesses. The ASBL maintains no provision of the SmallBusiness Act would allow the SBA to report awards to Fortune 500 firms as smallbusiness contracts.


Professor Charles Tiefer, one of the nation's leadingexperts in federal contracting law, issued a legal opinionthat agreed with the ASBL's position that the total federal acquisition budget iswell over $1 trillion dollars and that language in the Small Business Act doesallow contracts to Fortune 500 firms, or any large businesses, to be reportedby the SBA as small business contracts.


Beginning in 2002 a long series of federal investigationsand investigative reports from groups such as PublicCitizen have challenged the SBA's policy of reporting awards to Fortune 500firms as small business contracts. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, Fox Business and RTTV have all reported onthe abuses.



ASBL President LloydChapman stated, "I am confident the court will find the SBA's policiesviolate federal law and the SBA has blatantly falsified federal small businesscontracting data and cheated small businesses out of billions of dollars."


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