Small Business Administration Facing Federal Injunction to End Corruption and Fraud

Press Release

Small Business Administration Facing Federal Injunction to End Corruption and Fraud

ASBL Files for Federal Injunction Against SBA to End Corruption and Fraud

American Small Business League
May 4, 2016


Petaluma, Calif. - The American Small Business League (ASBL) has filedfor an injunction in Federal District Court in San Francisco against theSmall Business Administration to halt illegal policies they believe havedefrauded small businesses and small businesses owned by women, minorities anddisabled veterans out of hundreds of billions of dollars in governmentcontracts.


The ASBL's injunction is asking the court to halt twospecific SBA policies they believe have cheated small businesses out ofhundreds of billions in federal contracts.


The Small Business Act states, "TheGovernmentwide goal for participation by small business concerns shall beestablished at not less than 23 percent of the total value of all primecontract awards for each fiscal year." Within that category, the goalstates 5 percent for women-owned small businesses, 5 percent for minority-ownedfirms, and 3 percent for disabled veterans.


The SBA has created a policy they call the "exclusionaryrule" and "smallbusiness eligible dollars" that uses a significantly lower federalacquisition budget number to calculate the percentage of contracts awarded toall categories of small businesses. The ASBL maintains the SBA's exclusionarypolicy has no basis in the law and has allowed the SBA to defraud smallbusinesses out of billions in federal contracts.


Data from the CongressionalBudget Office indicates a total federal budget for fiscal year 2015 of $3.9trillion and a discretionary spending budget of $1.2 trillion. The ASBLbelieves $1.2 trillion is the most accurate acquisition budget number thatshould be used to calculate the volume and percentage of federal contractsawarded to small businesses for FY 2015.


The second SBA policy the ASBL believes is in violation ofthe Small Business Act is the SBA's "grandfatheringrule" or "five-yearrule". Using this policy, the SBA reports billionsin federal contracts to Fortune 500 firms, their subsidiaries, and hundredsof large businesses around the world as small business contracts. Thisdramatically inflates the volume of federal contracts that appear to have beenawarded to small businesses. The ASBL maintains no provision of the SmallBusiness Act would allow the SBA to report awards to Fortune 500 firms as smallbusiness contracts.


Professor Charles Tiefer, one of the nation's leadingexperts in federal contracting law, issued a legal opinionthat agreed with the ASBL's position that the total federal acquisition budget iswell over $1 trillion dollars and that language in the Small Business Act doesallow contracts to Fortune 500 firms, or any large businesses, to be reportedby the SBA as small business contracts.


Beginning in 2002 a long series of federal investigationsand investigative reports from groups such as PublicCitizen have challenged the SBA's policy of reporting awards to Fortune 500firms as small business contracts. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, Fox Business and RTTV have all reported onthe abuses.



ASBL President LloydChapman stated, "I am confident the court will find the SBA's policiesviolate federal law and the SBA has blatantly falsified federal small businesscontracting data and cheated small businesses out of billions of dollars."


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Lawsuit calls on SBA to stop 'deceptive' practices


Lawsuit calls on SBA to stop 'deceptive' practices

Federal News Radio

May 4, 2016

A small business advocacy group is suing

the Small Business Administration for what it calls "creative accounting" and

misrepresentation of federal contracting goals.

The American Small Business League

(ASBL) filed a lawsuit  May 3 against

the SBA, claiming the agency has adopted the practice of awarding small

business contracts to Fortune 500 companies and "inflating the percentage of

awards to small businesses to fabricate the government's compliance with the

small business goals by using a much lower acquisition budget."

"As has been the case in all previous

years in which the SBA has released an annual goaling report, the SBA's

assertion that the percentage of the total value of all prime contract awards

awarded to small businesses met or exceeded the congressional mandate of 23

percent is false," court documents state. "SBA can only make this statement by

creating, through agency fiat, a class of government contracts which are,

solely in the view of the SBA, subject to exclusion from being considered as

part of 'the total value of all prime contract awards' as stated in the Small

Business Act. Although the language of the statue is crystal clear, every year

the SBA redefines 'total value' as meaning total value minus the contracts SBA

decides to exclude from the equation."

But John Shoraka, SBA's associate

administrator of Government Contracting and Business Development, told Federal

News Radio that SBA's exclusion practice is:

  • A continuation of the previous

    administration's rules.

  • Being updated to be more inclusive.

"When we came in as an administration in

2009, we wanted to be able to continue to measure apples to apples to apples,

to see if we're actually progressing," Shoraka said. "We kept those exclusions

as they stood when we arrived, to make sure we weren't accused of sort of

fiddling with the numbers and making it look like we were having success."

'Misrepresent and fabricate'

SBA in March released its annual report card on small

business federal contracting. Fiscal 2015 was a record-setting year, according

to the report, with the government for the first time reaching its 5 percent

women-owned small business [WOSB] contracting goal since the bar was set

in 1996.

The government spent $17.8 billion

working with WOSBs, according to the report. The government also reached —

and in fact surpassed — its 23 percent overall small business procurement

goal by spending 25.75 percent, or $90.7 billion on small business contracts.

As a whole, the government received an

"A" on its report card for fiscal 2015.

If the SBA doesn't meet its goals, the

lawsuit said, under the Small Business Act the agency must report on why it

failed to meet the goals, as well as provide a plan to achieve them the next


Lloyd Chapman, ASBL president, said in

an interview with Federal News Radio the administration's practice of excluding

certain contracts is a way to "misrepresent and fabricate" compliance with those


"As a result, failed goals are not

reported, no analysis is done, no remediation plans are created, and Congress's

clear directive that the SBA continue to monitor and improve its small business

participation programs is left unheeded," the lawsuit states.

But the SBA is monitoring small business

policies, Shoraka said. When the National Defense Authorization Act of

2013 came out, it directed SBA to re-evaluate all exclusions.

"There were a number of things that were

eventually put back in," Shoraka said. "For whatever reason, there were

really small agencies that had been included on this exclusion list. That

was the first thing we adjusted. Then the other thing we noticed is that leases

had been excluded … leases like commercial vehicle leases. Those had been

excluded and we put that back in, in 2015."

Shoraka said overseas contracts

also needed re-evaluation. SBA consulted its Office of General Counsel on

what, if anything, should still be excluded under that category.

Other than two instances with the

Defense Department — contingency operations and the Status of Forces

Agreement — the overseas contracts category  was removed from

the exclusion list.

"We worked with all of our sister

agencies, especially the ones that are going to be impacted most significantly,

like the Department of Defense, U.S. Agency for International Development, the

State Department," Shoraka said. "And we made sure that their acquisition folks

understood what the change meant, how that change would be implemented and we

worked very closely with the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in the

timing; just announcing ahead of time so nobody's surprised, phasing it in and

making sure that it became effective for 2016."

This will be applied to the 2016 report,

Shoraka said, and will likely have a  negative 1.5 percent to

negative 2 percent impact on the overall percentage of small business

government contracts.

Artificial inflation

Chapman and the small business league

aren't the only ones who've put small business contracting under a


Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio), chairman of

the Small Business Committee, introduced legislation to change the way SBA

counts agency spending with small firms.

Tony Franco, a partner with the law firm

of PilieroMazza in Washington, said he looked at the methodology of the SBA

report, and said it was confusing in part because it appears the agency is

counting contracts under multiple categories, such as an 8(a) [small,

disadvantaged] business being counted for both the 8(a) pool and small business


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Lawsuit calls on SBA to stop 'deceptive' practices


Lawsuit calls on SBA to stop 'deceptive' practices

Federal News Radio
May 4, 2016

A small business advocacy group is suingthe Small Business Administration for what it calls "creative accounting" andmisrepresentation of federal contracting goals.

The American Small Business League(ASBL) filed a lawsuit  May 3 againstthe SBA, claiming the agency has adopted the practice of awarding smallbusiness contracts to Fortune 500 companies and "inflating the percentage ofawards to small businesses to fabricate the government's compliance with thesmall business goals by using a much lower acquisition budget."

"As has been the case in all previousyears in which the SBA has released an annual goaling report, the SBA'sassertion that the percentage of the total value of all prime contract awardsawarded to small businesses met or exceeded the congressional mandate of 23percent is false," court documents state. "SBA can only make this statement bycreating, through agency fiat, a class of government contracts which are,solely in the view of the SBA, subject to exclusion from being considered aspart of 'the total value of all prime contract awards' as stated in the SmallBusiness Act. Although the language of the statue is crystal clear, every yearthe SBA redefines 'total value' as meaning total value minus the contracts SBAdecides to exclude from the equation."

But John Shoraka, SBA's associateadministrator of Government Contracting and Business Development, told FederalNews Radio that SBA's exclusion practice is:

  • A continuation of the previous administration's rules.
  • Being updated to be more inclusive.

"When we came in as an administration in2009, we wanted to be able to continue to measure apples to apples to apples,to see if we're actually progressing," Shoraka said. "We kept those exclusionsas they stood when we arrived, to make sure we weren't accused of sort offiddling with the numbers and making it look like we were having success."

'Misrepresent and fabricate'

SBA in March released its annual report card on smallbusiness federal contracting. Fiscal 2015 was a record-setting year, accordingto the report, with the government for the first time reaching its 5 percentwomen-owned small business [WOSB] contracting goal since the bar was setin 1996.

The government spent $17.8 billionworking with WOSBs, according to the report. The government also reached —and in fact surpassed — its 23 percent overall small business procurementgoal by spending 25.75 percent, or $90.7 billion on small business contracts.

As a whole, the government received an"A" on its report card for fiscal 2015.

If the SBA doesn't meet its goals, thelawsuit said, under the Small Business Act the agency must report on why itfailed to meet the goals, as well as provide a plan to achieve them the nextyear.

Lloyd Chapman, ASBL president, said inan interview with Federal News Radio the administration's practice of excludingcertain contracts is a way to "misrepresent and fabricate" compliance with thosegoals.

"As a result, failed goals are notreported, no analysis is done, no remediation plans are created, and Congress'sclear directive that the SBA continue to monitor and improve its small businessparticipation programs is left unheeded," the lawsuit states.

But the SBA is monitoring small businesspolicies, Shoraka said. When the National Defense Authorization Act of2013 came out, it directed SBA to re-evaluate all exclusions.

"There were a number of things that wereeventually put back in," Shoraka said. "For whatever reason, there werereally small agencies that had been included on this exclusion list. Thatwas the first thing we adjusted. Then the other thing we noticed is that leaseshad been excluded … leases like commercial vehicle leases. Those had beenexcluded and we put that back in, in 2015."

Shoraka said overseas contractsalso needed re-evaluation. SBA consulted its Office of General Counsel onwhat, if anything, should still be excluded under that category.

Other than two instances with theDefense Department — contingency operations and the Status of ForcesAgreement — the overseas contracts category  was removed fromthe exclusion list.

"We worked with all of our sisteragencies, especially the ones that are going to be impacted most significantly,like the Department of Defense, U.S. Agency for International Development, theState Department," Shoraka said. "And we made sure that their acquisition folksunderstood what the change meant, how that change would be implemented and weworked very closely with the Office of Federal Procurement Policy in thetiming; just announcing ahead of time so nobody's surprised, phasing it in andmaking sure that it became effective for 2016."

This will be applied to the 2016 report,Shoraka said, and will likely have a  negative 1.5 percent tonegative 2 percent impact on the overall percentage of small businessgovernment contracts.

Artificial inflation

Chapman and the small business leaguearen't the only ones who've put small business contracting under amicroscope.

Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio), chairman ofthe Small Business Committee, introduced legislation to change the way SBAcounts agency spending with small firms.

Tony Franco, a partner with the law firmof PilieroMazza in Washington, said he looked at the methodology of the SBAreport, and said it was confusing in part because it appears the agency iscounting contracts under multiple categories, such as an 8(a) [small,disadvantaged] business being counted for both the 8(a) pool and small businesspool.

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Presidential Candidates Asked to End Corruption and Fraud at SBA

Press Release

Presidential Candidates Asked to End Corruption and Fraud at SBA

ASBL Asks Presidential Candidates to Keep Obama Campaign Promise

May 3, 2016

Petaluma, Calif. -The American Small Business League (ASBL)has sent letters to DonaldTrump, Senator Cruz,Governor Kasich, Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders in theform of national press releases asking them to pledge to keep a campaignpromise President Obama made in 2008.


Responding to dozens of federal investigationsand investigativereports in the media that found the Small Business Administration (SBA) wascheating small business out of billions in federal contracts and subcontractsPresident Obama released the statement, "It is time to end thediversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants."


Since President Obama took officethe diversionof billions a month in federal small business contracts to Fortune 500firms and corporate giants has continued. Every year of the ObamaAdministration the SBA Office of Inspector General headed by Obama appointeePeg Gustafson has named the diversion offederal small business contracts to large businesses as the number one problemwith the upper management at the SBA.


 The Government Accountability Officeuncovered over 5,000large businesses receiving billions in federal small business contracts intheir investigationbased on information provided by ASBL President Lloyd Chapman.


Hundreds of articles on the issue canbe found on a wide variety of websites. The AssociatedPress and dozens of publications such as the LosAngeles Times, Miami Herald,WashingtonPost, GovernmentExecutive, and FederalTimes have all reported on the abuses at the SBA.


Most of the major nationaltelevision news channels such as NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, FoxNews and RRTV haveproduced stories on the issue.


In May of 2015, government watchdoggroup, Public Citizen, released a damming investigative report on the fraudtitled "Sleighted." Public Citizen found the SBA had used "accounting tricks [to] create[a] false impression that small businesses are getting their share ofprocurement money…"


In the ASBL's most recent legal victory overthe Pentagon to expose evidence of corruption and fraud in Pentagon smallbusiness programs, Federal Judge William Alsup stated "the purpose of the Freedomof Information Act is so the public can see how our government works. Congresspassed this law to make small businesses have access to some of these projects,andhere is the United States covering it up."


Research by the ASBL indicates overthe last ten years the nation's 28 million small businesses may have beendefrauded out of up to $2 trillion in federal contracts and subcontracts.


In 2014, American Express OpenForum named Lloyd Chapman oneof the four strongest voices for small businesses in America for hiscampaign to end fraud in federal small business programs. The ASBL plans torelease a documentaryof the history of fraud at the SBA this summer.


To view full press release, clickhere:






An Open Letter to Senator Ted Cruz from the American Small Business League President Lloyd Chapman

Press Release

An Open Letter to Senator Ted Cruz from the American Small Business League President Lloyd Chapman

American Small Business League
May 2, 2016

The American Small BusinessLeague (ASBL) has sent letters to DonaldTrump, Senator Cruz, Governor Kasich, Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders in theform of national press releases asking them to pledge to keep a campaignpromise President Obama made in 2008.


Responding to dozens of federalinvestigations and investigativereports in the media that found the Small Business Administration (SBA) wascheating small business out of billions in federal contracts and subcontractsPresident Obama released the statement, "It is time to end thediversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants."


Since President Obama took office the diversion of billionsa month in federal small business contracts to Fortune 500 firms and corporategiants has continued. Every year of the Obama Administration the SBA Office ofInspector General headed by Obama appointee Peg Gustafson has named thediversion of federal small business contracts to large businesses as the numberone problem with the upper management at the SBA.


 The GovernmentAccountability Office uncovered over 5,000 large businesses receivingbillions in federal small business contracts in their investigation based oninformation provided by ASBL President Lloyd Chapman.


Hundreds of articles on the issue can be found on a widevariety of websites. The Associated Press anddozens of publications such as the LosAngeles Times, Miami Herald,WashingtonPost, GovernmentExecutive, and FederalTimes have all reported on the abuses at the SBA.


Most of the major national television news channels such as NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, FoxNews and RRTV haveproduced stories on the issue.


In May of 2015 government watchdog group Public Citizenreleased adamming investigative report on the fraud titled "Sleighted".Public Citizen found the SBA had used "accounting tricks [to] create [a] falseimpression that small businesses are getting their share of procurement money…"


In the ASBL's most recent legal victory over the Pentagon toexpose evidence of corruption and fraud in Pentagon small business programs,Federal Judge William Alsup stated "The Purpose ofthe Freedom of Information Act is so the public can see how our governmentworks. Congress passed this law to make small businesses have access to some ofthese projects, andhere is the United States covering it up."


Research by the ASBL indicates over the last ten years the nations 28 million small businesses may have been defraudedout of up to two trillion in federal contracts and subcontracts.


In 2014 American Express Open Forum named Lloyd Chapman oneof the four strongest voices for small businesses in America for hiscampaign to end fraud in federal small business programs. The ASBL plans torelease a documentaryof the history of fraud at the SBA this summer.


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