Small business group takes on the U.S. Air Force


Small business group takes on the U.S. Air Force

By Doug Caldwell
Central Valley Business Times
March 10, 2011

•  Sues for refusing to release contract audits

•  ‘This is an anti-small business president’

The U.S. Air Force has another fight on its hands – this one in the courtroom.

The American Small Business League of Petaluma has taken the Defense Department and the Air Force to court after the agency refused to release information on recently conducted defense contract audits.

The ASBL originally requested the most recent contract audit conducted by the Defense Contract Audit Agency under the Freedom of Information Act.

The requested information may show the Obama Administration has turned a blind eye to “a blatant pattern of fraud and abuse,” and allowed the continued diversion of “billions of dollars a year in federal small business contracts to corporate giants,” the ASBL says.

Since 2003, a series of federal investigations has uncovered billions of dollars a month in federal contracts intended for small businesses actually going to large businesses, the business advocacy group says. The most recent Obama Administration contracting data shows large recipients of small business contracts such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Dell Computer, Xerox, SAIC, General Dynamics, and John Deere, it says.

“Despite his unending rhetoric about the importance of small businesses in America, President Obama is allowing corporate giants to illegally receive billions of dollars a month in federal small business contracts,” says ASBL President Lloyd Chapman.

“People need to quit listening to his speeches and start watching what he does, because this is an anti-small business president,” says Mr. Chapman. “Every small business in America should be concerned about President Obama’s plans for the Small Business Administration and federal small business contracting programs.”




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