New Federal Policies Turn Thousands of Big Businesses Into Small Ones

Press Release

New Federal Policies Turn Thousands of Big Businesses Into Small Ones

ASBL Mounts National Campaign to Block SBA Anti-Small Business Policies

By Lloyd Chapman
American Small Business League
October 21, 2014

PETALUMA, Calif., Oct. 21, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/-- If a new round of policies proposed by the federal government are adoptedthousands of big businesses could push thousands of legitimate small businessesout of the federal market place and out of business.

The new pro-big business polices were proposed by the SmallBusiness Administration (SBA) on Sept. 10.  According to the latest data from the U.S. CensusBureau, 89 percent of all U.S firms have less than 20 employees and theaverage American company has approximately 10 employees.

Under the new policies proposed by new SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet, thousands of firmsthat are 15,000 percent larger than the average American firm will be able tocompete for federal small businesses contracts. Thousands of large businessesthat are 7,500 percent larger than 89 percent of all U.S. firms will becomeeligible to compete for federal small business contracts.

This will make it much easier for the federal government andprime contractors to claim they reached the government's 23 percent smallbusiness contracting goal.

Under the new much larger size standards, millions of legitimatesmall businesses will be forced out of business as they hopelessly struggle tocompete with many of the largest firms in their industries for even thesmallest government orders of goods and services. Millions of jobs will be lostacross the country.

Critics of the new size standards believe the policies areactually a plan by the government to close the SBA and dismantle federal smallbusiness contracting programs to obscure billions of dollars in fraud that hasbeen uncoveredin a long series of federal investigations. In January, an article in Forbes agreed with American Small Business League PresidentLloyd Chapman that President Obama wasactually trying to close the SBA.

NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, RTTV, CNBC, MSNBC and Fox Newshave all reported on the government's policy of diverting small businesscontracts to Fortune 500 firms. 

As recently as Sept. 10,the House Small Business Committee lambasted SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet for reporting billions of dollars in contracts to firms such asLockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, Raytheon and Chevron assmall business contracts.

The only national small business advocacy group that has mounteda campaignto oppose the SBA's anti-small business policies is the American SmallBusiness League (ASBL).

The SBA will be taking public comment on their new proposedpolicies until Nov. 10. Individuals can post theiropposition to the policies by going to the federal regulation's website andclick "Comment Now!"

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