SBA's New Guard Attacked for Contract Awards


SBA's New Guard Attacked for Contract Awards

By Keith Girard
October 26, 2006

A changing of the guard at the Small Business Administration has done little to lift the veil of secrecy surrounding government contract awards to small businesses. If anything, the SBA's stonewalling is even stronger, according to one group.

In the three months since taking office, SBA Administrator Steven Preston has rejected all requests – even from the media – to release a list of companies that have won federal contracts earmarked for small businesses, says Lloyd Chapman, founder and president of the American Small Business League.

Chapman has been waging a public campaign to force the SBA to follow up on government investigations that have documented hundreds of cases where small business contracts went to major corporations, from Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and General Dynamics to Microsoft and Wal-Mart.

Recently, Preston told reporters that the problem involves the way contract data is recorded rather than big companies getting work meant for small businesses.

American Small Business League Offers $10,000 Reward for List of Government's Small Business Contractors

Press Release

American Small Business League Offers $10,000 Reward for List of Government's Small Business Contractors

October 25, 2006

PETALUMA, Calif., October 25, 2006 / The American Small Business League (ASBL) is offering a $10,000 reward to the first individual who provides a complete, accurate, and verifiable list of all firms that were coded as small businesses, and the amounts they were awarded in federal small business contracts, for fiscal year 2005.

According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), this information is publicly available on the Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation (FPDS-NG). However, the ASBL believes that the government is intentionally making this information difficult, if not impossible, for the public to access because the list will reveal that billions of dollars in contracts to defense mega-contractors including General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Bechtel, and Northrop Grumman, were reported as small business awards.

The ASBL has made repeated requests to new SBA Administrator, Steven Preston, to publicize the fiscal year 2005 list of small business contractors. To date, he has consistently refused.

ASBL President Lloyd Chapman stated, "The Bush Administration has been lying to the public, to Congress, and to the media about federal small business contracting figures. I don't believe that anyone will be able to produce a list to justify the claim that the SBA awarded $79.6 billion in contracts to small businesses in 2005. But the government insists that this information is readily accessible. I'm willing to pay $10,000 cash to see if someone is able to produce it."

To claim the reward, the list of federal small business contractors must total $79.6 billion as announced by the SBA in June of this year ( In addition, the list must contain the names of the firms and the amounts they were awarded, consolidated by parent company name. Lists must be submitted to by midnight on December 1, 2006.

The American Small Business League has won a series of lawsuits against the government to force the disclosure of information that shows that billions of dollars in contracts that Congress intended to go to small business have actually been awarded to corporate giants.

About the ASBL
The American Small Business League was formed to promote and advocate policies that provide the greatest opportunity for small businesses - the 98% of U.S. companies with less than 100 employees. The ASBL is founded on the principle that small businesses, the backbone of a vital American economy, should receive the fair treatment promised by the Small Business Act of 1953. Representing small businesses in all fields and industries throughout the United States, the ASBL monitors existing policies and proposed policy changes by the Small Business Administration and other federal agencies that affect its members. See


$10,000 reward offered for small-biz list


$10,000 reward offered for small-biz list

By David Hubler
Federal Computer Week
October 25, 2006

The American Small Business League (ASBL) has announced a $10,000 reward for the first person who can provide a complete, accurate and verifiable list of all firms that were coded as small businesses in fiscal 2005 and the amounts they were awarded in federal small-business contracts.

In a statement today, ASBL President Lloyd Chapman said, "The Bush administration has been lying to the public, to Congress and to the media about federal small-business contracting figures."

Chapman said he did not believe anyone would be able to produce a list that would justify the Small Business Administration's claim that $79.6 billion in contracts were awarded to small businesses in 2005.

"The government insists that this information is readily accessible," he said. "I'm willing to pay $10,000 in cash to see if someone is able to produce it."

ASBL said that although SBA claims this information is publicly available on the Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation, "the government is intentionally making this information difficult, if not impossible, for the public to access because the list will reveal that billions of dollars in contracts to defense mega-contractors, including General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Bechtel and Northrop Grumman, were reported as small-business awards."

The league said it has made repeated requests to SBA Administrator Steven Preston to publicize the fiscal 2005 list of small-business contractors. "To date, he has consistently refused," an ASBL announcement states.

To win the reward, the list of federal small-business contractors must total $79.6 billion and must contain the names of the firms and the amounts they were awarded, consolidated by parent company name.

Lists must be submitted to the league by Dec. 1.

Republican Congress Criticized for SMB Failures


Republican Congress Criticized for SMB Failures

By Keith Girard
October 23, 2006

When it comes to Congress's track record on small business issues, the glass is half empty, according to two small business groups.

The American Small Business League (ASBL) and the U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce assert that the Republican-controlled Congress failed to act on nine specific issues that would have benefited small businesses, even though "Republicans have promoted themselves as the party of small business."

In particular, ASBL President Lloyd Chapman said Congress did nothing to address the findings of a dozen government investigations that documented the misallocation of billions of dollars in small business contracts to major corporations.

The groups also said Congress did nothing for six years while Bush consistently cut the Small Business Administration's budget and staff. "The poor response to Hurricane Katrina is a dramatic example of this," said Chapman.