Small business advocate frustrated with government inaction


Small business advocate frustrated with government inaction

By Staff
Capital Solutions Bancorp
April 15, 2009

One group working on behalf of small businesses around the country has again expressed anger with what they consider to be inaction by the federal government to better serve small business interests.

The American Small Business League has expressed frustration with President Obama's work toward helping small businesses regain their footing in the volatile economy.

Many economists and policy makers agree that small businesses play a central role in the economy - during good times and bad - and are a key source of job creation. The government has stepped up efforts to unlock the credit markets and get fund flowing to small businesses - but some say it's not enough.

The ASBL claims that stimulus funds have been funneled too aggressively to large corporations and not small businesses. They also worry that contracts intended for small businesses will - to the detriment of small firms - instead be awarded to big companies.

ASBL president Lloyd Chapman directed harsh words to the nearly 3-month-old administration.

"So far, not only has President Obama not given those companies a dime of the stimulus funding, but he is refusing to end blatant, widespread fraud and abuse in existing government economic stimulus programs for small businesses," Chapman said.


Obama's Latest Speech Dodges Campaign Promise to Small Businesses

Press Release

Obama's Latest Speech Dodges Campaign Promise to Small Businesses

April 15, 2009

Petaluma, Calif. - Yesterday, President Barack Obama gave a 60-minute speech to the nation regarding the state of the economy.  His speech discussed the Obama Administration's five pillars for addressing the economy, however President Obama's plans for helping America's biggest job creators, its small businesses, were conspicuously absent.

During the campaign, President Obama said he would create millions of jobs.  According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 98 percent of all U.S. firms have less than 100 employees, and those firms are responsible for over 98 percent of all new jobs in America. (

To date, President Obama has given 100 percent of the stimulus funds to the top 1 percent of American firms. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, those large firms have not created one net new job since 1977.

In his March 22, 2009 column in the New York Times, Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman wrote about President Obama's plan to save the economy and stated, "This is more than disappointing. In fact, it fills me with a sense of despair."  In March, Krugman also stated that Obama's economic policies are almost certain to fail. ( 

Since 2003, over 15 federal investigations have found that hundreds of billions of dollars in federal small business contracts have been diverted to Fortune 500 corporations and thousands of other large businesses in the United States and Europe. (  

Groups like the American Small Business League (ASBL) are angry with President Obama because of his refusal to make good on a February 2008 campaign promise in which he stated, "It is time to end the diversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants." (
Small business owners around the country are angered and disappointed that President Obama has refused to make good on his campaign promise, and has allowed an estimated $2 billion a week in federal small business contracts to be diverted to some of the largest corporations in the world, including Fortune 500 firms.

"You don't have to be a Nobel Prize winning economist to figure this out.  Small businesses create 98 percent of all new jobs.  So far, not only has President Obama not given those companies a dime of the stimulus funding, but he is refusing to end blatant, widespread fraud and abuse in existing government economic stimulus programs for small businesses," ASBL President Lloyd Chapman said.



Should Obama Do More To Help Small Businesses Win Government Contracts?


Should Obama Do More To Help Small Businesses Win Government Contracts?

By Kelly Spors
Wall Street Journal
April 14, 2009

As stimulus money starts trickling out, some are asking a timely question: Is the federal government doing enough to ensure small businesses get their share?

Lloyd Chapman, president of the American Small Business League – a California-based group that follows small-business contracting issues – argued in an editorial on yesterday that the Obama administration needs to be more proactive in directing government stimulus work at small companies. President Obama, he says, promised in February 2008 that he would fight for small-business contracting issues, but has mentioned the issue little, if at all, in recent weeks.

The issue at hand: Congress passed legislation in 2003 mandating that federal agencies aim at least 23% of all prime and subprime contracting dollars at small businesses. But several investigations found the government has done a shoddy job of enforcing that rule. And a Washington Post investigation last fall found that 38.5% of all government contracts coded as small were actually being diverted to Fortune 500 companies including Lockheed Martin Corp. and Dell Inc.

Mr. Chapman says that ensuring that money actually went to small businesses would result in $100 billion of government work for them.

“So far, nothing President Obama has proposed to stimulate our nation’s failing economy would be as effective and cost efficient as simply adopting policies and legislation that would redirect over $100 billion, year-after-year, back into the middle class economy,” he writes.

Mr. Chapman has consistently criticized the government (both under former President Bush and now President Obama) for not caring enough about small-business contracting rules, but now more than ever his point seems valid. Companies are looking at the federal government as a potential customer more than ever before. Many are applying for government contracts for the first time and competing against much larger companies with political influence.

If the federal government sees the stimulus money as helping businesses of all size, now seems a ripe time for the federal government to address the issue of contracting fairness and fraud and ensuring small businesses aren’t being overlooked.

So far President Obama has issued a government-wide review into how government contracting procedures, and whether they’re efficient. But he’s said little about whether he will address small-business contracting issues in particular.

Do you think President Obama needs to be more proactive in enforcing small-business contracting rules? Or is current oversight enough?


New SBA Administrator Should Remove Executives that Covered up Fraud and Abuse

Press Release

New SBA Administrator Should Remove Executives that Covered up Fraud and Abuse

April 8, 2009

Petaluma, Calif. –  During the Bush Administration over 15 federal investigations and two private studies have found fraud, and widespread blatant abuses in a variety of programs administered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

Several investigations such as Report 5-16 from the SBA Office of Inspector General (IG) found large businesses had received federal small business contracts illegally by making what the SBA IG referred to as "false certifications" and "improper certifications." ( 

Another investigation from the SBA Office of Advocacy found large businesses had received federal small business contracts fraudulently through what they referred to as "vendor deception." ( 

Under section 16(d) of the Small Business Act, misrepresenting a firm's status as a small business to illegally receive federal small business contracts is a felony, which carries a $500,000 fine per occurrence, up to ten years in prison and debarment from federal contracting programs. (

During the eight years of the Bush Administration, several SBA executives were clearly involved in an ongoing campaign to cover-up and minimize the fraud and abuses that were uncovered through the federal investigations, as well as in investigative stories in the media.

Several SBA executives conspired to deny the presence of any fraud and abuse in SBA programs for over seven years by describing even the most blatant cases of fraud and abuse as "miscoding."  On several occasions they went so far as to launch a campaign to convince Congress, the public and the media that it was a "myth" that large businesses were receiving federal small business contracts. ( 

Other SBA executives launched campaigns to cover-up fraud and abuse by fraudulent contractors by fighting legal efforts to obtain data under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that would uncover blatant abuses in programs administered by the SBA. (  

Federal court rulings even opposed the SBA's executives campaign to withhold damaging information by ruling against the SBA in each and every FOIA case filed by advocacy groups like the American Small Business League (ASBL). (

In February of 2008, President Barack Obama stated, "It is time to end the diversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants." ( If new SBA Administrator Karen Mills intends to end fraud and abuse at the SBA, she will make good on President Obama's campaign promise.  The SBA executives responsible for allowing the abuses, and then attempting to cover them up must be removed as one of Mills' first actions at the SBA.


New SBA Head Takes Reigns


New SBA Head Takes Reigns

By Dennis Romero
April 7, 2009

There was no April fooling when the Senate confirmed venture capitalist Karen Mills to take over as the Obama administration's chief administrator of the U.S. Small Business Association last week.

"Small business is the heart of the American economy," the 55-year-old states. "There are over twenty-six million small businesses in this country and they create 70 percent of the new jobs. This means that to find our way out of the current economic crisis, we have to find ways to help small businesses stay in operation and even expand." Mills was enthusiastically endorsed by Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee ranking Sen. Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine), who spearheaded a campaign to appoint Mills before Obama took office.

"The Senate's quick and unanimous approval of Karen Mills as the next administrator of the SBA is a testament to her tremendous qualifications and outstanding record in assisting small business," Snowe says. "She is truly ready to assume the reins of the agency responsible for small businesses, America's preeminent job generators that will lead us out of our economic morass."

Not so fast, argues the American Small Business League, which has opposed Mills, painting her as leader who tows the line of the Bush administration's pro-corporate business policies. The league argues that the federal government under Bush has given billions worth of federal contracts intended for small business to large corporations.

"I predict Mills is not going to do anything to stop the diversion of federal small business contracts to large businesses and in fact, you can bet that Mills is going to support policies to divert even more federal small business contracts to some of President Obama's wealthiest contributors in the venture capital industry," ASBL President Lloyd Chapman states.
