Double Dip Recession Could be Prevented with Silver Bullet Bill

Press Release

Double Dip Recession Could be Prevented with Silver Bullet Bill

August 27, 2010

Today it was announced the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) numbers for last month were lower than originally estimated. Home sales and consumer confidence are down, and unemployment claims are up. Many of the world's top economists are now acknowledging that a double dip recession is a distinct possibility.

Despite President Obama's claims that the nation will avoid a double dip recession, it's hard to argue with the numbers, and they are not encouraging.

There is hope for the nation's economy in a little known bill titled the Fairness and Transparency in Contracting Act, H.R. 2568. Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson (GA - D) introduced H.R. 2568. The bill currently has 26 co-sponsors, including Joint Economic Committee (JEC) Chair, Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D - NY).

H.R. 2568 is just seven and a half pages long. The heart of the bill is one sentence that would put more money into the middle class economy than any bill or stimulus program discussed to date. H.R. 2568 simply states the federal government can no longer give federal small business contracts to Fortune 500 firms, and thousands of other large businesses in the United States and Europe.

Sounds reasonable, doesn't it? Wouldn't 99.9 percent of all Americans agree the government should not be giving federal small business contracts to Fortune 500 firms?
Since 2003, over a dozen federal investigations have found many of the largest firms in the world have received U.S. government small business funds. ABC, CBS and CNN have covered the story. (ABC,; CBS,; CNN,

Some of the corporate giants in America that have received billions of dollars in federal small business contracts include Bechtel, Xerox, Dell Computer, John Deere, Boeing, Microsoft, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, SAIC, Raytheon, L-3 Communications, General Dynamics and Titan Industries. According to the most recent data released by the Obama Administration, the largest recipient of federal small business contracts in fiscal year (FY) 2008 was Textron. Textron is a Fortune 500 defense contractor with 43,000 employees and over $14 billion in annual sales. Textron received over $775 million in federal small business contracts in a single year.

The diversion of federal small business funds to corporate giants is not limited to those companies in the United States. Other firms that received federal small business contracts included Rolls-Royce, British Aerospace (BAE), French firm Thales Communications, Ssangyong Corporation headquartered in Seoul, South Korea and Finmeccanica SpA, which is located in Italy and has 73,000 employees.

H.R. 2568 is a free and easy way to create jobs with no new spending and no new taxes. The bill is deficit neutral and will solve a federal contracting scandal that has gone on for more than a decade. H.R. 2568 would even allow President Obama to keep a campaign promise he made when he released the statement, "It is time to end the diversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants." (

H.R. 2568 could redirect over $100 billion a year in existing federal infrastructure spending into the hands of the nation's 27 million small businesses. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, small businesses create over 97 percent of all net new jobs in America. ( A report by the Kaufman Foundation found that firms that are less than five years old create nearly 100 percent of net new jobs.

I know President Obama has some of the nation's top economic advisers, but so far their ideas do not seem to be working. Let's see if we can't figure this out, and come up with some new ideas. 1. Small businesses create virtually all the net new jobs in America. 2. Over 12 federal investigations found the federal government is giving billions of dollars in federal small business contracts to many of the largest firms in the world. 3. The government needs to create jobs to stop the nation's economy from sliding over the edge into a double dip recession. Ohhh, I think I have a crazy idea that we haven't tried. Why don't we try not giving billions of dollars a week in federal small business contracts to some of the biggest companies in the world? I know it's a wild and wacky idea, but what have we got to lose.

Let's just say this, there is no downside to passing H.R. 2568. Compare H.R. 2568 to President Obama's $30 billion small business lending bill; what do you think will create more jobs? A one time shot of $30 billion in loans to small business, or over $100 billion a year in federal contracts every year, year-after-year.

Obama Refusing to Back Private Sector Jobs Bill

Press Release

Obama Refusing to Back Private Sector Jobs Bill

August 24, 2010

Petaluma, Calif. – President Barack Obama is refusing to back a bill that could create millions of jobs in the private sector. The bill, the Fairness and Transparency in Contracting Act, H.R.2568, was  introduced by Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson last May. The American Small Business League (ASBL) wrote the original draft of H.R. 2568. The bill is designed to stop the federal government from diverting over $100 billion a year in federal small business contracts to Fortune 500 firms and many of the largest businesses in Europe.
Since 2003, a series of federal investigations have found billions of dollars a month in federal small business contracts have been diverted to firms like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Bechtel, Dell Computer and Xerox. Corporate giants from around the world that have received U.S. government small business contracts include Rolls-Royce, British Aerospace (BAE), French giant Thales Communications, Ssangyong Corporation headquartered in Seoul, South Korea and Finmeccanica SpA, which is located in Italy and has 73,000 employees.  A recent investigation by Stars and Stripes Magazine found the federal government had awarded over $41.6 billion in small business contracts to “miscellaneous foreign contractors.” (  
H.R. 2568 would stop the federal government from reporting contract awards to publicly traded firms and foreign owned companies as small business awards. The bill is based on language in the Small Business Act, which states that a small business must be “independently owned” in order to receive federal small business contracts.
If President Obama were to sign H.R. 2568 into law, or pass by executive order, over $100 billion in existing federal infrastructure spending would be redirected to legitimate small businesses in the private sector. Since the bill requires no new spending or tax increases, it is deficit neutral. The Obama Administration had estimated that for every billion dollars in infrastructure spending, 40,000 new jobs would be created. Based on those projections, if H.R. 2568 were to become law, over four million new jobs could be created. (  
The ASBL points to H.R. 2568 as being far superior to the Obama Administration’s $30 billion small business lending bill. As opposed to a one-time infusion of $30 billion in loans, H.R. 2568 would inject over $100 billion a year in federal contracts into the small business economy for decades to come.


Obama-Administration Fabricated Small-Business Contracting Data Coming Soon

Press Release

Obama-Administration Fabricated Small-Business Contracting Data Coming Soon

August 24, 2010

Any day now the Obama administration will release the latest federal data on the volume of government contracts that were awarded to small businesses. Federal law requires a minimum of 23 percent of all federal contracts to be awarded to small businesses. I'm betting the "Change We Can Believe In" Obama administration will completely falsify the actual percentage of government contracts that were awarded to legitimate small businesses.

Despite all his rhetoric and pandering to small businesses, the latest government small-business contracting data will prove President Obama is just another "business as usual" politician who is willing to say or do anything to get elected with no intention of honoring campaign promises. Everyone has an opinion when it comes to politics, but however you slice it, the Obama administration has failed to honor its promises to the small business community. In June, the American Small Business League (ASBL) released an analysis of the Obama administration's poor small business track record.

I am predicting that the actual volume of federal contracts the government will claim to have awarded to small businesses during fiscal year (FY) 2009 will be grossly misrepresented. The data will prove that President Obama's promise to end the diversion of billions of dollars a year in federal small-business contracts to corporate giants was empty. The Obama administration's neglect of this issue during its tenure has cheated the nation's 27 million small businesses out of billions of dollars in federal funds that by law should be allocated to small businesses. I predict the following regarding the release, and the immediate fallout after the release of the Obama administration's FY 2009 small-business contracting data:

1. To avoid scrutiny from the media, the data will be released late on a Friday in the next several weeks.
2. There will be no mainstream media coverage of the release of the data. The largest federal program to direct federal infrastructure spending to the private sector will go unreported. The intentional diversion of more than $100 billion in federal small business funds to large businesses around the world will go largely unreported by the mainstream media. You will not see this story on ABC, CBS or NBC. You won't see it in the Washington Post, the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal.
3. The Obama administration will claim to have just missed its congressionally mandated 23-percent goal. Administration officials will claim to have awarded just over 22 percent of the government's purchases to small businesses. In reality, less than 5 percent of government contracts will have actually gone to legitimate small businesses.
4. The government's FY 2009 small-business contracting data will be falsified in several ways. First: Obama administration officials will claim the federal acquisition budget is less than half of what it actually is. The real federal acquisition budget for foreign, domestic, classified and unclassified acquisitions is nearly $1 trillion. Second: Thousands of large businesses, Fortune 500 firms and foreign-owned corporations will be included in the Obama administration's small business data. Billions of dollars in contracts awarded to U.S. based large businesses will be hidden under the categories "miscellaneous foreign contractors" and "classified domestic contractors."
5. If any attention is brought to fact that thousands of large businesses are included in the data, officials at the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) will claim it is the result of "miscoding," "computer glitches," and "simple human error."
6. No journalist will ask any Obama administration official why the alleged "random errors" always report awards to large businesses as small-business contracts and never the other way around. No journalist will ask why the one field that indicates if a firm is small or large has an error rate thousands of times higher than any other field in the database. No journalist will ask why there are so many errors in the data, even after the government spent nearly a year analyzing the data before its release.
7. No White House Correspondent will ever ask President Obama why his administration is diverting federal small-business contracts to large businesses, despite his campaign promise to, "end the diversion of federal small-business contracts to corporate giants."
8. No member of Congress will complain about the fact that the Obama administration is diverting federal small business funds to large businesses.
9. The release of the fabricated small business data will not prompt any member of Congress to call for the immediate passage of H.R. 2568, the Fairness and Transparency in Contracting Act. The bill would halt the yearly diversion of over $100 billion in federal small-business contracts to large businesses, and redirect those funds to the private sector firms that create a majority of net new jobs in America.
10. No group claiming to represent the interests of American small businesses (other than the ASBL) will be critical of the Obama Administration for diverting small business funds to large businesses, and falsifying compliance with the government's 23 percent small-business contracting goal.

The ASBL projects that over the last decade this fraud and abuse has diverted more than a trillion dollars away from the middle class. Unless the mainstream media starts making this issue a priority, another trillion dollars in small-business contracts will flow into the hands of large businesses over the next decade.

Saturday News Briefs


Saturday News Briefs

By Doug Caldwell
Central Valley Business Times
August 20, 2010

•  State tracking down tax-delinquent businesses

•  Fresno offers help to small businesses

•  I R 40, the plate said

•  And a lot more….


Recalled bread (see eighth story in Briefs)

State’s jobless rate may not be as bad as it looks


The July jobless numbers, released Friday, weren’t as bad as they may have looked, say economists with Beacon Economics of San Francisco.


California lost a total of 9,400 jobs between June and July -- but essentially all of those losses were associated with the ending of the 2010 Census, their report notes. Thousands of temporary Census workers have been hired and had their jobs end in the past 4 to 5 months -- sometimes masking the real direction of the state's labor markets.


Fundamentally, all of the state's month-over job losses occurred in government employment, which fell by 23,100 jobs and of those, 20,100 were federal government jobs and directly related to the end of the Census, says Beacon. Private employment gained 13,700 jobs, offsetting most of the government job losses.





State’s jobless rate is just as bad as it looks


California's unemployment rate remained unchanged at 12.3 percent in July, making it one of 18 states that experienced no change in their unemployment rate. Another 18 states saw decreases in unemployment, while 14 saw increases.


The problem -- and solution -- are clear, says the president of the American Small Business League of Petaluma.


"Small businesses are the backbone of California’s economy and an engine for job creation in the state. If we are going to bolster California’s economy, as well as our nation’s economy, we must stop the diversion of billions of dollars a year in federal small business contracts to corporate giants,” says ASBL President Lloyd Chapman.


Every year California’s small businesses lose out on billions of dollars in federal contracts, he says.


The solution, he says, is kicking around in Congress: H.R. 2568, the “Fairness and Transparency in Contracting Act.”


Mr. Chapman says if it were passed, it would redirect nearly $1 billion a month in addition federal spending to California’s small businesses and create more jobs in the state than any legislation or policy to date.


“It is time for Governor Schwarzenegger and California’s congressional delegation to support H.R. 2568 as a means of saving California’s small businesses and its jobs," Mr. Chapman says.





Bullet train’s Bay-to Central Valley EIR ready


The California High-Speed Rail Authority has made available a “Revised Final Program Environmental Impact Report” (EIR) for the Bay Area to Central Valley portion of the state’s proposed high-speed train system.


In March, the Authority circulated a draft of it to comply with a court judgment in litigation challenging the its final program EIR for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The Authority held two public hearings in April and got more than 3,700 comments, it says.


The Revised Final Program Environmental Impact Report includes revised text, copies of public comments, responses to comments and the full text of the Authority’s 2008 Bay Area to Central Valley High-Speed Train Final Program EIR.


See link at bottom of the Briefs to get to the posted EIR


The Revised Final Program EIR will be considered by the Authority’s Board of Directors at its meeting Sept. 1-2.


Then, on Sept. 2, the board will consider certifying the EIR and make a new decision on a preferred network alternative for the high-speed train system to connect the Bay Area to the Central Valley.





Franchise Tax Board looking for unpaid business taxes


The state is contacting more than 40,000 California businesses that have not filed their 2008 state income tax returns with the Franchise Tax Board (FTB).


The notices inform the businesses that they have 30 days to file a return or show why there is no tax filing requirement. Businesses that disregard the notices could face tax assessments that may include penalties, interest, and fees, the FTB warns.


FTB annually reviews more than 5 million income records received from the Internal Revenue Service, the state Employment Development Department, the state Board of Equalization, financial institutions, and other business entities, then compares that data to tax returns already filed to identify noncompliance. Last year, FTB collected approximately $38 million from non-filing businesses the agency notified.


California faces an annual “tax gap” of $6.5 billion per year. The tax gap is the difference between taxes owed and taxes paid.





Small business, job seekers get help in Fresno


Thousands of additional job seekers in Fresno are now covered by through the expansion of a program providing tax incentives to businesses that hire them.


Expansion of “Targeted Employment Areas” by the city of Fresno and Fresno County means inclusion of previously ineligible homes and apartments. The change improves the job prospects for unemployed or underemployed residents locally and increases the number of eligible workers for businesses located in city and county enterprise zones, the city says.


Due to a technicality, residence addresses in TEA census tracts falling partially within the jurisdiction of another municipality were excluded from eligibility. This meant that a significant number of households, which otherwise would have qualified, were left without TEA designation. As a result, Enterprise Zone businesses had no financial incentive to hire individuals residing in these areas.


But the city and county were successful in getting the state to allow the inclusion of previously ineligible census tract addresses into the County of Fresno TEA.


“This successful partnership is another significant step in the effort to bringing unemployment numbers down in Fresno,” says Craig Scharton, city of Fresno downtown and community revitalization director. “It helps qualified applicants market themselves better in this highly competitive environment while encouraging businesses to reinvest in themselves and the community. It’s definitely a win-win for all involved.”





Personalized license plate program turns 40 today


Forty years ago, then-Gov. Ronald Reagan signed legislation authorizing California to issue “environmental license plates” – special interest plates -- on Aug. 21, 1970.


“Since 1970 when California issued the first personalized plate with the word “AMIGO,” these plates have become part of the rich California history,” says DMV Director George Valverde.


Based on the success of the program, the state expanded on the concept of using license plates to fund special programs, such as the California Arts Council, the Coastal Commission, and various organizations that comprise California’s 11 special interest license plates.


California charges $38 annually to renew the personalized plates ($49 the first year). Californians have expressed themselves on 1,030,000 registered motor vehicles.


California’s specialty plate program has generated approximately $630 million for a wide range of causes. Special Interest License Plates, such as the Arts, Kids, Coastal, Lake Tahoe, and those supporting Veterans’ Organizations, can also be personalized.





Fresno State wins third consecutive ‘Tree Campus USA’ recognition


For the third year in a row, California State University, Fresno has been designated a Tree Campus USA by the Arbor Day Foundation – one of just 74 colleges and universities across the United States to win the recognition in 2010.


The designation recognizes the university’s urban forest that helps cleanse the air for the general community, provides shady refuge from summer heat and is one reason the 388-acre campus is a state-designated arboretum.


Together with the 1,011-acre campus farm, a substantial portion of which is planted to a broad variety of fruit and nut trees, Fresno State forms the biggest green belt within the urbanized Fresno-Clovis metro region.


Tree Campus USA is supported by a grant from Toyota.





Milton's Baking recalls some bread in Central Valley


Milton's Baking Company of Calsbad is voluntarily recalling “Milton's Multi-Grain Bread” which was distributed to locations in Northern and Central California, Arizona and Nevada. The company says it’s taking the “precautionary” step because the loaves contain milk, an undeclared allergen, which may pose a potential serious and life-threatening health risk to milk-allergic individuals.


The company advises that anyone who has eaten the bread and has had an allergic reaction should seek the advice of a health-care professional.


This recall affects only Milton's Multi-Grain Bread, 24oz, UPC 06541-92038 with the Plant Code 250 sold only in Northern and Central California, Arizona and Nevada. "All Best if Purchased By" dates through Aug 26 are included in the recall.


The product is sold in both single loaf 24 oz packages and in overwrapped double loaf packages. The plant code is printed on the front of the package under "Best if Purchased By" on the second line immediately after the date.


No other Milton's products are included in this voluntary recall.









Jobless Claims Soar as Obama Continues to Shortchange Small Business

Press Release

Jobless Claims Soar as Obama Continues to Shortchange Small Business

August 19, 2010

I was talking to a friend's 8-year-old son the other day. I asked him, "If you were the President and wanted to stimulate the economy and create jobs, and you knew small business created 100 percent of net new jobs, how much of the stimulus money would you give small businesses?" The boy thought about the question for about three seconds and responded, "100 percent."

President Barack Obama should put this kid on his team of economic advisers. It seems to me this 8-year-old boy knows more about creating jobs than President Obama and everyone on his economic team. To date, President Obama has allocated only a fraction of federal stimulus funds directly to the 27 million small businesses that employ over 50 percent of the private sector workforce, and create virtually 100 percent of America's net new jobs.

The latest jobless numbers seem to be one of many indications that President Obama's economic policies are not working for small businesses.

Today, the U.S. Department of Labor reported that new unemployment claims surged to 500,000 last week. The increase was higher than many economists predicted, and it is the first time unemployment claims have topped 500,000 since November of 2009.


On August 16, Nouriel Roubini, Chaiman of Roubini Global Economics and a professor at New York University's Stern School of Business stated, "Risk of a double dip recession in advanced economies (US, Japan, Eurozone) has now risen to 40%."

Any day now we will see yet another example of the Obama Administration's policies that not only ignore small business, they could even be described as anti-small business. The Obama Administration is preparing to release the latest data on the volume of federal contracts that have been awarded to small businesses. Federal law requires a minimum of 23 percent of all federal contracts to be awarded to small businesses. I have already seen the latest government small business contracting data. The American Small Business League (ASBL) is estimating that of the nearly $1 trillion in federal dollars awarded during fiscal year 2009, less than 5 percent actually went to legitimate small businesses.

I believe that the Obama Administration will try to obscure the actual volume of federal contracts awarded to small business in at least two ways. First, the administration will claim that the federal acquisition budget is half of its actual volume. Next, the administration will include thousands of large businesses in its small business data. The ASBL's analysis of the government's latest small business contracting data found 60 large businesses in the top 100 recipients of federal small business contracts. Additionally, the ASBL's analysis found that those large businesses received over 65 percent of the dollars awarded to the top 100.

Since 2003, over a dozen federal investigations have found large recipients of federal small business contracts like Dell Computer, Boeing, Rolls-Royce, British Aerospace (BAE), Wal-Mart, Microsoft, Xerox, Textron, Lockheed Martin, L-3 Communications, Titan Corporation, Thales Communications, Ssangyong Corporation headquartered in Seoul, South Korea and Finmeccanica SpA, which is located in Italy with 73,000 employees.

President Obama even recognized the magnitude of the problems during his campaign when he released the statement, "It is time to end the diversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants."

There is one magic bullet that could save the national economy from a double dip recession and create millions of new jobs. H.R. 2568, the Fairness and Transparency in Contracting Act, would stop the diversion of small business contracts to large businesses, and redirect over $120 billion a year in existing federal infrastructure spending to the middle class. H.R. 2568 was introduced by Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson (D - 04) and currently has 26 co-sponsors.

I am intimately familiar with H.R 2568. I wrote the original draft of the bill while on vacation in Durango, Colorado during the summer of 2008. H.R. 2568 states the federal government can no longer report awards to publicly traded firms as small business awards. No new taxes, no new spending. This deficit neutral bill will serve as the most significant economic stimulus proposed to date, and would create millions of net new jobs.

Recently, H.R. 2568 co-sponsor Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D - NY - 14) delivered a strong endorsement of the bill on the floor of the House of Representatives.

I have some advice for President Obama: Conduct a poll, and ask people if they think Fortune 500 firms and other large businesses should receive federal small business contracts. If the public agrees with me, pass the bill.

I wouldn't be surprised if they came to the same conclusion as my 8-year-old economic adviser. Small businesses are the backbone of the nation's economy. If we want to stimulate our nation's economy, we need to direct federal infrastructure spending to our nation's 27 million small businesses.

Many of the nation's top economists are now saying the chances of a "double dip" recession are more and more likely.