American Small Business League Sues U.S. DOD Over Small-Business Contracts


American Small Business League Sues U.S. DOD Over Small-Business Contracts

By Rebecca Villaneda
March 11, 2011

Earlier this week, the American Small Business League (ASBL) filed a suit against the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) over information regarding recent defense contracts.

The ASBL alleges that the Obama administration is giving billions of dollars of federal small-business contracts to large corporations.

The allegation comes after the ASBL made a Freedom of Information Act request for the most recent contract audit conducted by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA).

Since 2003, according to ASBL, a series of federal investigations indicate that billions of dollars a month in federal contracts intended for small businesses are going to Boeing, Northrop Grumman and Dell Computer among other corporate giants.

"Despite his unending rhetoric about the importance of small businesses in America, President Obama is allowing corporate giants to illegally receive billions of dollars a month in federal small-business contracts," ASBL President Lloyd Chapman said in a statment. "To make matters worse, the Obama administration is serving as a barrier to transparency and accountability."


Small business group takes on the U.S. Air Force


Small business group takes on the U.S. Air Force

By Doug Caldwell
Central Valley Business Times
March 10, 2011

•  Sues for refusing to release contract audits

•  ‘This is an anti-small business president’

The U.S. Air Force has another fight on its hands – this one in the courtroom.

The American Small Business League of Petaluma has taken the Defense Department and the Air Force to court after the agency refused to release information on recently conducted defense contract audits.

The ASBL originally requested the most recent contract audit conducted by the Defense Contract Audit Agency under the Freedom of Information Act.

The requested information may show the Obama Administration has turned a blind eye to “a blatant pattern of fraud and abuse,” and allowed the continued diversion of “billions of dollars a year in federal small business contracts to corporate giants,” the ASBL says.

Since 2003, a series of federal investigations has uncovered billions of dollars a month in federal contracts intended for small businesses actually going to large businesses, the business advocacy group says. The most recent Obama Administration contracting data shows large recipients of small business contracts such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Dell Computer, Xerox, SAIC, General Dynamics, and John Deere, it says.

“Despite his unending rhetoric about the importance of small businesses in America, President Obama is allowing corporate giants to illegally receive billions of dollars a month in federal small business contracts,” says ASBL President Lloyd Chapman.

“People need to quit listening to his speeches and start watching what he does, because this is an anti-small business president,” says Mr. Chapman. “Every small business in America should be concerned about President Obama’s plans for the Small Business Administration and federal small business contracting programs.”


Department of Defense Sued for Refusing to Release Contract Audits

Press Release

Department of Defense Sued for Refusing to Release Contract Audits

March 10, 2011

Petaluma, Calif. – On Tuesday, March 8, the American Small Business League (ASBL) filed suit against the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) after the agency refused to release information on recently conducted defense contract audits. (

The ASBL originally requested the most recent contract audit conducted by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).  The suit was filed in United States District Court, Northern District of California.

The ASBL believes the requested information may show the Obama Administration has turned a blind eye to a blatant pattern of fraud and abuse, and allowed the continued diversion of billions of dollars a year in federal small business contracts to corporate giants.

Since 2003, a series of federal investigations have uncovered billions of dollars a month in federal contracts intended for small businesses actually going to large businesses. The most recent Obama Administration contracting data shows large recipients of small business contracts such as Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Dell Computer, Xerox, SAIC, General Dynamics, and John Deere. (  

During the 2008 campaign, President Barack Obama made a series of campaign promises with major implications for the middle class.  In February of 2008, President Obama promised to “end the diversion of federal small business contracts to corporate giants,” and he continues to promise the most transparent administration in U.S. history. (  To date, President Obama has refused to honor his promise to end widespread abuse in federal small business contracting programs, and has actually reduced transparency.

In early 2010, the Associated Press conducted a review of FOIA reports filed by 17 major agencies, and found across the board increases in the number of rejections. While the federal government as a whole received fewer FOIA requests during the first year of the Obama Administration, agencies increasingly said “no” to requesters looking for public documents. (  

“Despite his unending rhetoric about the importance of small businesses in America, President Obama is allowing corporate giants to illegally receive billions of dollars a month in federal small business contracts.  To make matters worse, the Obama Administration is serving as a barrier to transparency and accountability,” ASBL President Lloyd Chapman said. “People need to quit listening to his speeches and start watching what he does, because this is an anti-small business president.  Every small business in America should be concerned about President Obama’s plans for the Small Business Administration (SBA) and federal small business contracting programs.” 
















Silence Is a Weapon


Silence Is a Weapon

By Staff
March 9, 2011


The U.S. Army has stayed mum for too long, according to a lawsuit filed by the American Small Business League (ASBL) on March 1. The Petaluma-based organization is suing the Army for refusing to respond to a Freedom of Information Act request for reports on contracts awarded to Bechtel, the largest engineering company in the United States. In court documents, the ASBL claims that the Army and Bechtel have committed fraud by circumventing a federal law that requires 23 percent of all federal contracts to be awarded to small businesses. This isn't the first lawsuit that the ASBL has filed against the federal government—and it might not be the last, since the league asserts that the government has awarded small-business contracts to large corporations including Lockheed Martin and Dell Computer.


Big Wins for March 7, 2011


Big Wins for March 7, 2011

By Staff
Washington Business Journal
March 8, 2011

So who exactly are these "miscellaneous foreign contractors" that top today's list of Washington-area contractors with $43.57 million in awards? That question has been asked by industry groups, but not clearly answered.

The Federal Acquisition Regulation does provide some leeway for agencies to mask the identities of contractors, typically for security reasons, but it remains unclear whether that explains the millions going to these unnamed firms, which year to date have collected $294.59 million in contracts — including some set aside for small disadvantaged businesses.

The American Small Business League filed a Freedom of Information Act request in 2009 with the General Services Administration that manages the system of contractor classification, seeking the specific names of all firms included under this classification, but GSA declined the request.

Data provided through an exclusive partnership with FEDMINE.US, an online business intelligence tool that links disparate government sources to provide real-time federal market and business research data.
