Small Business Administration Accused of Fabricating Small Business Contracting Data

Press Release

Small Business Administration Accused of Fabricating Small Business Contracting Data

American Small Business League Uncovers 151 Fortune 500 Firms Received Small Business Contracts

American Small Business League
March 3, 2016

PETALUMA, Calif., March 3, 2016/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Yesterday the Small Business Administration (SBA) announced that small businesses received 25.8 percent of all federal contracts in fiscal year 2015,a total of $90.7 billion.

The American Small Business League (ASBL) has challenged theaccuracy of the data pointing out that the SBA included thousands of largebusinesses including 151 Fortune 500 firms in the calculations of their data.

Some of the firms that the SBA has includedin their small business contracting data include: Verizon, Apple, Microsoft,General Electric, Home Depot, AT&T, UPS, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Bank ofAmerica, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Pepsi, Oracle, Raytheon, General Dynamics, NorthropGrumman, Anthem and John Deere.

The SBA's Inspector General has challenged the accuracy of theSBA's data for over a decade. In 2005, they released Report5-15 that described the diversion of small business contracts going tocorporate giants as, "One of the most important challenges facing the SmallBusiness Administration (SBA) and the entire federal government today."

A series of federal investigations have all found that thenumbers were dramatically inflated. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, Fox Newsand RTTVhave all reported on the fraud and abuse in federal small business contractingprograms.

As early as 2003, the Government Accountability Office (GAO)conducted the first investigation into corruption and fraud in federalsmall business contracting programs. The GAO uncovered over 5,300large businesses had been the actual recipients of billions in USGovernment small business contracts.

President Obama acknowledgedthe magnitude of the abuses by releasing the statement, "It is time to end the diversion of federal small businesscontracts to corporate giants."

On March 25, 2015, Congresswoman Janice Hahnrequested aGAO investigation into small business contracting based upon research doneby the American Small Business League.

In 2014, Public Citizen released a report titled "Slighted" which accused the federal government ofusing accounting tricks to "create false impression that small businesses are gettingtheir share of federal procurement money."

Research by the ASBL foundthat the SBA has shortchanged small businesses in two ways. First, to inflate the percentage the SBA uses a number which is lessthan a third of the actualfederal acquisition budget. Secondly, the SBA has included billions ofdollars in contracts to Fortune 500 firms and some of the biggest companiesaround the world in their numbers.

"It is astounding that the President and Congress haveallowed this rampant fraud to go on for so long. When you look at anyreasonable definition of a small business, and the total federal acquisitionbudget, small businesses are receiving probably closer to one tenth of what theSBA claims they are awarding to small businesses. This is blatant fraud and itshould be investigated by the FBI," stated ASBL President Lloyd Chapman.

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Fortune 500 Firms Are Still Small Businesses with New Bill in Congress

Press Release

Fortune 500 Firms Are Still Small Businesses with New Bill in Congress

American Small Business League Opposing Pro Big Business Small Business Bill

American Small Business League
February 24, 2016

PETALUMA, Calif., Feb. 24, 2016/PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Fortune 500 firms and many of the largest firmsin the world will continue to be allowed to receivebillions in federal small business contracts if a new bill is passed inCongress to modernize the Small Business Act. 

The House Small Business Committee has unanimously passed H.R. 4341, the "DefendingAmerica's Small Contractors Act of 2016."  The bill now goes onto the full house for approval. The bill states it would modernize the SmallBusiness Act and implement "common sense" reforms.

Beginning in 2003, the GAO uncoveredover 5,300 large businesses that were receiving federal small businesscontracts. Since then, over two dozen federalinvestigations and investigative reports have uncovered fraud and abuse infederal small business programs. H.R. 4341 does not address any of the fraud, abuseand loopholes that have been uncovered in those investigations.

In 2005, the SBA Inspector General released Report5-15 that stated, "One of the most important challenges facing theSmall Business Administration (SBA) and the entire Federal Government today isthat large businesses are receiving small business procurement awards andagencies are receiving credit for these awards."

President Obama acknowledgedthe magnitude of the fraud and abuse in federal small business contractingprograms when he released the statement, "It is time to end the diversion of federal small businesscontracts to corporate giants."

NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, RTTV, Fox News and CNBC haveall reported on the fraud and abuse in federal small business contracting programs.

In May of 2015, Pubic Citizen released their investigativereport on the issue titled, "Slighted." Public Citizen accused the federal government of using accounting tricks to "create false impression thatsmall businesses are getting their share of federal procurement money."

The American Small Business League (ASBL) released their annualanalysis of federal contracting data for fiscal year 2015. Information obtained from the Federal Procurement Data System indicated thefederal government counted contracts to 151 Fortune 500 firms as small businesses contracts infiscal year 2015.

In recent years some of the firms that have received federalsmall business contracts include, Chevron, Apple, Microsoft,General Electric, Home Depot, AT&T, CVS, UPS, Bank of America, WellsFargo, Target, Hewlett Packard, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Boeing, Oracle, Raytheon,Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman and British AerospaceEngineering (BAE.)

ASBL President LloydChapman stated, "This is a perfect example of why so many Americans nolonger trust the government. Congress will pass this bill to 'modernize theSmall Business Act' and adopt 'common sense' reforms but they will still allowFortune 500 firms to receive federal small business contracts. It's absolutelyastounding."

The American Small Business League plans to release a full-length documentary on fraud and abuse infederal small business programs this summer.

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Film to Document Fraud in Federal Small Business Contracting Program


Film to Document Fraud in Federal Small Business Contracting Program

By Adrienne Burke
Aabaco Small Business
February 11, 2016

The AmericanSmall Business League says it plans to release a full-length documentarychronicling a history of corruption and fraud in federal small businesscontracting programs.

Although theSmall Business Administration reported in fiscal years 2013 and 2014 thatfederal agencies had achieved the goal to award nearly 25 percent of governmentcontracts to small businesses, SBA watchdogs including ASBLargued that many of those contracts actually went to large corporations.

The SBA isn'texpected to release an FY2015 federal contracting scorecard until June, butyesterday ASBL released its own analysis of2015 activity based on the Federal Procurement Data System. ASBLfound that thousands of "clearly large businesses" including 151 Fortune 500 firmsreceived billions in federal small business contracts again last year.

According toASBL, some of the biggest Fortune 500 beneficiaries of small business contractsinclude A-Mark Precious Metals with $481 million incontracts; Verizon with $108 million; Anthem with $31 million; consumerproducts holding company Jarden Corporation with$23 million; drug wholesaler AmerisourceBergen with$12 million; transportation fuel products financer World Fuel Services at $4 million; and Hewlett Packard, IBM,and the mason-jar maker Ball Corporation at over$3 million each. Other household name brands from Apple to Wells Fargo alsoreceived federal contracts meant for small businesses, ASBL says.

"The governmenthas done everything they can to cover this up, where you can't tell who'sgetting government contracts," President Lloyd Chapman says in a video on the ASBL website. "They've removedthe parent company's Dunn & Bradstreet number off the database, you can nolonger see how many employees a company has, or their annual revenue. You can'teven tell what business they're in. Any time you want any information from anyfederal agency about who gets small business contracts, you're going to court."

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Fortune 500 Companies Are Getting Billions From Federal Small Business Contracts


Fortune 500 Companies Are Getting Billions From Federal Small Business Contracts

By Laura Lorenzetti
February 10, 2016

Fortune500 firms and other large companies swept up billions in federal small businesscontracts last year, including companies like Apple, Verizon, General Electric,and Boeing.

Atotal of 151 Fortune 500 firms landed government and small business contractsin 2015, according to an analysis offederal procurement data by the American Small Business League.

VerizonVZ 1.46% , No. 15 on the Fortune 500 list,brought in over $108 million in small business contracts through theirsubsidiary Terremark, the report found. Meanwhile, Apple AAPL 0.31% (No. 5 on the Fortune 500) pulledin over $640,000, General Electric GE 2.95% (No. 8) receivedover $883,000, and Boeing BA 0.18% (No. 27) got nearly$986,000.

Smallbusiness fund misallocation has long been a problem within the federalgovernment. The Government Accountability Office launched its firstinvestigation into the issue in 2003 and found that over 5,300 large businesseshad received contracts meant for small operations. Since then, the issue hascontinued to capturelawmakers' and advocates' attention.

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Fortune 500 Firms Receiving Billions in Federal Small Business Contracts


Fortune 500 Firms Receiving Billions in Federal Small Business Contracts

February 10, 2016

PETALUMA,CALIF., Feb. 10, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The American Small Business League (ASBL) has released theirannual analysis of federal contracting data for fiscal year 2015. The ASBL'sanalysis is based on the latest data from the Federal Procurement Data System.They found in fiscal year 2015 Fortune 500 firms and thousands of clearly largebusinesses received billions in federal small business contracts. Theirresearch found 151 Fortune 500 firmslanded government small business contracts in 2015. 

Verizon receivedover $108 million in small business contracts through their subsidiaryTerremark. Some of the other firms that received small business contracts lastyear include: Apple, Microsoft, General Electric, HomeDepot, AT &T, UPS, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Bank of America,Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Pepsi, Boeing, Oracle, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, GeneralDynamics, Northrop Grumman, Anthem and John Deere. 

TheGovernment Accountability Office (GAO) released their first investigation intocorruption and fraud in federal small business contracting programs in 2003.The GAO uncovered over 5,300 large businesses hadbeen the actual recipients of billions in US Government small businesscontracts.

Thisyear marks the sixteenth consecutive year that federal small business contractshave been diverted to corporate giants.

The SBAOffice of Inspector General released Report 5-15 thatdescribed the diversion of small business contracts going to corporate giantsas, "One of the most importantchallenges  facing the Small Business Administration (SBA) and theentire federal government today."

In2014, Public Citizen released their investigation into fraud in governmentsmall business programs titled "Slighted." Theyaccused the federal government of using accounting tricks to"create false impression thatsmall businesses are getting their share of federal procurement money."

ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, FoxNews and RTTV along with dozens of stories in many of thelargest newspapers in the country have all reported on the fraud andabuse in federal small business contracting programs.

The HouseSmall Business Committee recently unanimously passed H.R. 4329titled, "Transparency in Small BusinessGoaling Act of 2016." That bill was supposed to modernizethe Small Business Act, but it contained no provision to halt the flow offederal small business contracts to Fortune 500 firms and thousands of otherlarge businesses.

TheASBL's research indicates middle class small businesses are being shortchangedout of up to up to $200 billion a year00billion a year. This is a result of the SBA's exclusions ofthe majority of federal contracts from their calculations and the inclusion of billions in contractsto large businesses.  

Asopposed to adopting policies to end the rampant fraud, in 2014 the SBA adoptedtheir Safe Harbor From Fraud Penaltiespolicy that actually helps to protect fraudulent firms.

The American Small Business League plansto release a full-length documentary this spring that will chronicle thehistory of corruption and fraud in federal small business contracting programs.

CONTACT: SteveGodfrey


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