Press Releases

Small business group blasts stimulus spending

News Small business group blasts stimulus spending By Doug CaldwellCentral Valley Business Times February 17, 2009•  Says it shuts out small business•  ‘Virtually ignores the very firms that create 97 percent of all new jobs’The stimulus bill signed into law today by...

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Obama Fiddles While Small Businesses Fizzle

News Obama Fiddles While Small Businesses Fizzle By James February 17, 2009It looks like Hollywood has a bad case of congressional Dem disease.Doctors say the main symptom of the disease is an irrepressible urge to spend somebody else’s money.An...

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Is Obama's SBA a Tool of Big Business?

News Is Obama's SBA a Tool of Big Business? By Dennis February 9, 2009The American Small Business League has expressed concern that the U.S. Small Business Administration will continue to bow to big rather than small business as President Obama...

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The view from Maine Street

News The view from Maine StreetTapped by Obama to run the Small Business Administration, Wall Street veteran Karen Mills will need to move quickly to unlock the cash and assistance needed by struggling businesses - including those By Sara Bridget

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Survey: Most new jobs come from small businesses

News Survey: Most new jobs come from small businessesThe economy picked up 9,000 new jobs in July, according to ADP, thanks to small companies that are hiring even as larger businesses shed workers. By Brandi February 5, 2009(Fortune Small...

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Overhaul in the Offing at SBA

News Overhaul in the Offing at SBASmall-biz supporters say it's time to make the agency part of the solution, not part of the problem. By David February 4, 2009Having positioned himself as a small-business ally on the campaign trail, it didn't...

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SBA pins hopes on venture capitalist

News SBA pins hopes on venture capitalist By Ambrose ClancyLong Island Business News January 30, 2009Change is good. Change can be frightening. Change is a political slogan.Change is also nothing new to the federal Small Business Administration. Under the Bush...

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Raising Your Profile: SEO Tips for 2009

News Raising Your Profile: SEO Tips for 2009 By Tim Devaney and Tom January 30, 2009 It’s the most sought-after real estate in the world: the first page of Google search results. If you market or sell online and your name doesn’t appear there, you...

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Obama seen continuing Bush 'anti-small business' policies

News Obama seen continuing Bush 'anti-small business' policies By Doug CaldwellCentral Valley Business Times January 28, 2009 •  Billions of dollars diverted from small businesses, is charge•  ‘I’m very disappointed, very disheartened’Based on initial actions – or...

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Is Obama misleading small businesses?

News Is Obama misleading small businesses? Capital Solutions Bancorp January 27, 2009 The appointment of a venture capitalist to head the SBA and apparently missing statements from his campaign website are leading some to doubt Obama's pledge to small business...

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Congress should defeat plan to hurt small businesses

News Congress should defeat plan to hurt small businesses By Daily Tribune StaffDaily Tribune January 25, 2009 Beware of politicians bearing changes in federal policies.More often than not, there is more to their goals than simply streamlining government.That's our...

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Will Federal Contracting Dollars Rise Or Fall?

News Will Federal Contracting Dollars Rise Or Fall? By Marc TracyBizbox by Slate January 23, 2009It's an important question for small businesses. As Independent Street reminds us, and as we noted when we reported that the federal government had failed to fulfill its...

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The big think: How to fix the SBA

News The big think: How to fix the SBA By Lloyd Chapman, President, American Small Business January 14, 2009Prescription: Boost funding"There are 27 million small businesses. The budget needs to be pushed up to $5 billion to $10 billion per year....

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Obama Picks VC to Lead SBA

News Obama Picks VC to Lead SBA By WebCPA staffWebCPA December 22, 2008President-elect Barack Obama has named venture capitalist Karen Mills to lead the Small Business Administration, drawing fire from one small business group.Mills, founding partner of the equity...

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Landrieu to chair Senate small-business committee

News Landrieu to chair Senate small-business committee By Matthew December 19, 2008Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) will be the new chairwoman of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee in the next Congress, the senator and the committee have...

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Obama quietly drops windfall tax proposal

News Obama quietly drops windfall tax proposal By David Ivanovich Houston Chronicle December 3, 2008President-elect Barack Obama has quietly shelved a proposal to slap oil and natural gas companies with a new windfall profits tax.An aide for the transition team...

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Obama Apparently Drops Windfall Profits Tax Proposal

News Obama Apparently Drops Windfall Profits Tax Proposal By Ronald BaileyWall Street Journal/ December 3, 2008During the campaign, President-elect Barack Obama promised to stick it to Big Oil with a windfall profits tax. At the time, reason explained...

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Obama shelves oil company tax after price fall-aide

News Obama shelves oil company tax after price fall-aide By eff Mason and Tom December 3, 2008 CHICAGO/WASHINGTON, Dec 2 (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Barack Obama is not planning to implement a windfall profit tax on oil companies because...

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Farewell to the Windfall Profits Tax

News Farewell to the Windfall Profits Tax By Ken SilversteinHarper's Magazine December 3, 2008That was fast.“I’ll make oil companies like Exxon pay a tax on their windfall profits, and we’ll use the money to help families pay for their skyrocketing energy costs and...

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O. Drops Windfall Profits Tax for Oil, Gas

News O. Drops Windfall Profits Tax for Oil, Gas By Dollars & SenseDollars & Sense December 3, 2008From our friends at the American Small Business League (of which we are members, believe it or not; it was partly because of having published this article):Obama Backs...

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Nixed: No Windfall Tax on Big Oil from Obama

News Nixed: No Windfall Tax on Big Oil from Obama By Keith JohnsonWall Street Journal December 3, 2008 Political theorists have long worried about the “tyranny of rising expectations.” What about the tyranny of dashed expectations?President-elect Obama already riled...

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