Contracting Review Touches Off Concerns

News Contracting Review Touches Off Concerns By Keith April 6, 2006 The rules of the game could be changing for winning General Services Administration (GSA) contracts – and some small business advocates fear that the playing field could be...

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SBA: efficiency or death?

News SBA: efficiency or death? By Victor GodinezDallas Morning News April 4, 2006 The future of the Small Business Administration will be up for discussion on Thursday at a Senate subcommittee hearing, but the debate has already begun. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla.,...

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SBA and Small Business Programs in Peril?

News SBA and Small Business Programs in Peril? SBIR Insider Newsletter April 3, 2006 Depending on who you want to listen to, Congress and the Administration may be trying to eliminate the SBA and most of its small business programs, or they are merely evaluating the...

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Fighting Over the SBA's Future?

News Fighting Over the SBA's Future? By Keith April 3, 2006 A lawmaker's plan to hold a Capitol Hill hearing on the Small Business Administration ignited the ire of small business advocate Lloyd Chapman. Now the lawmaker is firing back. Sen. Tom...

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National Small Business Week Events Scaled Back

News National Small Business Week Events Scaled BackWith much focus still on Katrina recovery, the Small Business Administration's annual expo will be truncated this year. By Angus April 3, 2006 Facing a growing backlog of disaster loan applications in...

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Problems at the SBA

News Problems at the SBA By Lloyd ChapmanMinority Business Entrepreneur April 1, 2006 Federal contracting programs for women and minorities are under attach, and it's time to fight back. The conservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI) for Public Policy Research...

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SBA in the Hot Seat

News SBA in the Hot Seat By Joel RussellHispanic Business Magazine April 1, 2006 Since 2001, the budget of the Small Business Administration (SBA) has decreased 38 percent – or 45 percent when adjusted for inflation. Opposing opinions regarding the reasons driving the...

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GAO: Small Businesses Lose Out on Deals

News GAO: Small Businesses Lose Out on Deals By Hope YenAssociated Press March 31, 2006 Small businesses lose out on hundreds of millions of dollars in Energy Department contracts each year because the government often gives no-bid work to large firms on flimsy...

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Senator: SBA may have engaged in illegal lobbying

News Senator: SBA may have engaged in illegal lobbying By Daniel March 31, 2006 A statement circulated by a California small business group earlier this week has ignited a controversy over a Senate subcommittee hearing on the effectiveness of the...

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Big Things in Small Packages

News Big Things in Small Packages The Current March 30, 2006 It may be sunny in Washington today, but a hard raining is falling for some around the beltway just the same.After years of accusations and hand-wringing, the Federal government is finally doing something...

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Showdown Looms on Federal Contracts

News Showdown Looms on Federal Contracts By Keith March 14, 2006 The federal government awarded more than $119 billion in contracts to small business in 2004, a notable achievement -- if, in fact, the companies were truly "small". But the...

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SBA budget cuts viewed with concern

News SBA budget cuts viewed with concern By Victor GodinezDallas Morning News March 12, 2006 DALLAS – In a nearly $3 trillion federal budget proposed by President Bush for 2007, $624 million to run the Small Business Administration seems like small potatoes. But the...

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News POLITICS: BARRETO BATTLES BACK Hispanic Trends March 1, 2006 The Small Business Association has come in for a lot of criticism this year, with Administrator Hector Barreto Jr. taking most of the heat.An internal investigation recently showed that after 9/11, a...

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The Shrinking SBA Budget Doesn't Faze Many Firms

News The Shrinking SBA Budget Doesn't Faze Many Firms By James M. PethokoukisUS News February 27, 2006 You know the old quip about Uncle Sam: There's nothing scarier than hearing someone say, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help you."But the folks at the...

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Officials: SBA may be on its last legs

News Officials: SBA may be on its last legsNot so, says spokesman for the federal agency By Kevin J. February 3, 2006 Since 2001, the Bush administration and Congress have chopped about half of the general budget of the Small Business Administration, a...

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The Incredible Shrinking Company

News The Incredible Shrinking CompanyCorporate giants snag federal small business set-aside contracts. By Christopher MoraffDollars & Sense February 1, 2006 Between 2002 and 2005, St. Augustine, Fla., exercise equipment vendor Raul Espinosa watched mystified as, one...

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For the People

News For the PeopleLanding government contracts is tough--but it can be done. Learn from these entrepreneurs and Uncle Sam could become your biggest client. By Joshua KurlantzickEntrepreneur magazine February 1, 2006 For Liz Lasater, founder of Red Arrow Consulting, a...

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Is the SBA Hurting Small Business?

News Is the SBA Hurting Small Business?The founder of the American Small Business League says the Bush Administration and the SBA have created a hostile environment By Stacy PermanBusinessWeek Online January 27, 2006 Long a champion of small business, Lloyd Chapman,...

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Mr. Barreto: Please Resign

News Mr. Barreto: Please Resign By Lloyd ChapmanWorcester Business Journal January 23, 2006 If Hector Barreto were an employee of a public company, he would have already been issued his final paycheck.That's why I was gratified to read the news release from...

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Business competition on an uneven field

News Business competition on an uneven fieldOUR OPINION: FIX SBA'S CRITERIA FOR SMALL-BUSINESS CONTRACTS Miami Herald January 9, 2006 When is a small business not so small? When it comes to U.S. Small Business Administration rules and practices that allow Fortune 500...

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Small-Business Hiring and Wages Slowed in 2005

News Small-Business Hiring and Wages Slowed in 2005Despite a boom in the Northeast, a new national payroll report shows only a modest gain in hiring and a drop in average employee salaries. By Angus January 3, 2006 The nation's small businesses appear to...

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Easy Target?

News Easy Target?Budget-Cutters in Congress Have Set Their Sights on the SBA By Chris PenttilaEntrepreneur Magazine January 1, 2006 Small business owners find themselves caught in the cross hairs again as Congress considers billions of dollars in cuts to various...

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Giant firms get 'small business' benefits

News Giant firms get 'small business' benefitsComplex government rules send millions of dollars intended for small businesses to giant corporations that have Florida subsidiaries. By Jim WyssMiami Herald December 30, 2005 Safety Equipment Co. is part of a massive...

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Slow Business Administration

News Slow Business Administration Washington Post December 9, 2005 THERE ARE many competitors for the title. But after viewing the video (available at of a hearing held Nov. 8 by the Senate Committee on Small Business and...

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Senator Queries Slow SBA Hurricane Loans

News Senator Queries Slow SBA Hurricane Loans New York Times October 21, 2005 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Lawmakers will investigate loan delays to hurricane-ravaged small companies along the Gulf Coast, the head of a Senate committee that oversees the Small Business...

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